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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rick Santorum Easily Wins Louisiana GOP Primary

By Susan Duclos

Polling leading up to today's GOP primary in Louisiana showed that Rick Santorum was ahead by double digits and while the final results are not tallied yet, CNN already called the race for Rick Santorum.

With only a small percentage of precints reporting, it looks like Romney, Gingrich and Paul will take second place, third place, and last place respectively.

This is the third state Santorum has won this month, the first two being Alabama and Mississippi.


Closed primary: Only registered Republicans may vote in the GOP primary

46 total delegates: Possibly 20 tied to March 24 primary; 5 additional statewide delegates are chosen by the state convention and are uncommitted; 18 district delegates are uncommitted but CNN may estimate according to district-by-district vote results; 3 unpledged RNC members.
