Despite attempts from the left to cast Tea Party supporters as racist for daring to disagree with the policies of the Obama administration, those that are not members of the Democratic party aren't buying that meme.
But 56% of Democratic voters say most members of the small government, anti-tax movement are racially biased. Seventy percent (70%) of Republicans and 55% of unaffiliated voters reject that assertion and say most Tea Party members are not racist.
Democrats seem to buy into their own lies of racism but the majority of those without the D by their name, don't.
It is not only the Tea Party that has seen these attacks. Emails to my account, comments on posts disagreeing vehemently with Obama's policies, have seen many scream racism at the top of their lungs, yet the only people that are even talking about the color of Barack Obama's skin are those screaming racism the loudest.
Ironic huh?

Newsflash- When Independents and Conservatives disagreed with Bush policies, it wasn't racism because, um... Bush was white in case no one noticed. When we disagree with our state's Senators and Representatives on issues, the color of their skin has nothing to do with it, it is because we disagree and oppose certain big government policies.
When we disagree with Barack Obama's policies...again, it isn't racism it is because we do not agree.
The racism meme has been tried, tested and found wanting by the plurality of Americans and by the majority of those not Democrat... time for a new strategy.