CBS News reports:
Republicans have widened their lead against Democrats among likely voters in the generic ballot for the House of Representatives by six points since last month, a new CBS News Poll reports.
Republicans now hold an eight point lead over Democrats in the generic ballot, with 45 percent of likely voters saying they would support the Republican candidate for the House, and 37 percent saying they would support the Democrat. Last month Republicans led Democrats by a margin of only 2 points, with 40 percent saying they would vote for a Republican and 38 percent saying they would vote for a Democrat.
They go on to report that despite Democratic efforts to lessen the "enthusiasm gap" and I might add, Liberals claiming they have done so, the GOP enthusiam gap has, in fact, expanded.
But while Democrats have lately been making widespread efforts to diminish the so-called "enthusiasm gap" between Republican and Democratic voters, the poll, which was conducted from October 1 - 5, indicates that the gap has in fact expanded. Sixty percent of Republicans said they were more enthusiastic than usual about voting this year, while only 40 percent of Democrats said the same. Last month, 47 Democrats and 58 percent of Republicans said they were more excited than usual to vote.
At forty-nine percent, Independents are now more enthusiastic than Democrats, the poll indicates.
This coupled with the latest unemployment news today of a net loss of 95 thousand jobs, less than one month away from midterm elections, indicate that the tidal wave against Democrats in the upcoming elections, may be worse than originally projected.