March 18, 2010 from ABC "Biden Tells ABC Passing the Legislation Will Help Stem Democratic Losses in November."
Biden said once these provisions take effect and the American people feel the impact, lawmakers who vote "yes" will reap the benefits.
"They're going to see right off the bat the horrible [things] aren't real and there are some very good things that become apparent immediately," Biden said. "Once the American public realizes that ... [legislators are] going to be rewarded."
5 second video of Nancy Pelosi saying "but we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it" (Video below)
So, how did that big fat Obamacare lie turn out for them?
Jump forward to today and the headlines scream "Democrats run away from health care."
A handful of House Democrats are making health care reform an election year issue — by running against it.
At least five of the 34 House Democrats who voted against their party’s health care reform bill are highlighting their “no” votes in ads back home. By contrast, party officials in Washington can’t identify a single House member who’s running an ad boasting of a “yes” vote — despite the fact that 219 House Democrats voted in favor of final passage in March.
"New Dem message: 'Improve' health care, don't talk cost"
Key White House allies are dramatically shifting their attempts to defend health care legislation, abandoning claims that it will reduce costs and deficit and instead stressing a promise to "improve it."
"Health Law Has Endangered the Dem Majority"
"Democrats running from Obamacare"
"Democrats Shrink From Health Care "
Recent August Polling on Obama and Democrats' Health Care Plan
USA Today/Gallup- 56 percent opposed, 39 percent in favor of.
Rasmussen Reports- 58 percent opposed, 36 percent in favor of.
CNN/Opinion Research- 56 percent opposed, 40 percent in favor of.
56% Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill
Democratic politicians are already cutting campaign ads highlighting their vote against Obamacare, they are running as fast and as far from it as they can get.
Biden's prediction that once Americans understand and "see" the benefits of Obamacare, was just one more lie in a long line of them that Democratic politicians made when passing their healthcare legislation against the will of the American people.
Obamacare has become an albatross around Democrat's necks heading into November.
As it should be.