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Friday, September 03, 2010

Obama And The Economy- Quote Of The Week

"We did the mosque, Katrina, Iraq, and now Middle East peace? And in between you redo the Oval Office? It has become a joke- Democratic strategist who works closely with multiple candidates and spoke on the condition of anonymity

From a Wapo article titled, "White House considers pre-midterm package of business tax breaks to spur hiring."

There is no doubt that a president's job is difficult and much of what is done is done behind closed doors. Obama can make speeches, can push his agenda, etc... but bottom line is what the public sees and what the anonymous Democratic strategist stated is exactly what the public sees in the news, on televisions and on blogs.

People are watching the unemployment rate continue to rise (9.6 percent as of this months release), they are watching the news which tells them Obama and Democrats have raised our national deficit massively, they are watching Democrats flounder and spend spend spend.... money our country doesn't have.

The pubic is also seeing pictures of the Michelle Obama on vacation, photos of Barack and family on vacation, news of the redecorating at the White House, lets not forget all those pictures of Obama playing golf........ right or wrong, what they see is what they believe, what they do not see is what they generally ignore.

What they see, their perception, is a government so out of touch with the American majority that every single legislative "win" they have had they did against the opposition of the majority of Americans evidenced by multiple polls done by a variety of organizations at the time.

Perception is reality.
