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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Democratic Leaning Pollster 'G.O.P. Has 2-in-3 Chance of Taking House'

Nate Silver over at FiveThirtyEight, a Democratic leaning pollster, explains that according to their models, Republicans have 2-in- 3 chance to take the House of Representatives in the midterm elections held in November 2010.

Republicans have a two-in-three chance of claiming a majority of House seats in November, the FiveThirtyEight forecasting model estimates. And their gains could potentially rival or exceed those made in 1994, when they took a net of 54 seats from the Democrats.

In one sense, a strong performance by the Republicans on Nov. 2 is to be expected. The opposition party typically gains seats – on average, about 20 in midterm elections since 1994 – after the other party wins the White House, as the Democrats did in 2008. Nevertheless, both the magnitude of the Republicans’ potential gains, and the rapidity with which the political balance is poised to shift back to them after two cycles in which Democrats won nearly every competitive election, is unusual by recent standards. According to the model, Republicans have about a one-in-three chance of winning at least 54 seats, their total in 1994, and nearly a one-in-four chance of gaining at least 60.

Were the Republicans to achieve an outcome like that, one might need to look to the first half of the previous century for precedent; in 1948, for example, the Democrats added a net of 75 seats in the House, just two years after losing 54.

Read the rest at FiveThirtyEight.

Side Note- In the discussions surrounding FiveThirtyEight's piece, one blogger, Steven Benen, believes that if it should happen, voters in early 2011 will be asking themselves "Wait, we voted for what?"

Newsflash for Benen... voters are already asking that question in 2010, in regards to voting for Barack Obama.
