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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Politically Incorrect and Proud Of It!

You know me. I call a liar, a liar, not a mis-informed individual. Drug dealers are just that. Not un-licensed pharmacists. Christmas, is Christmas, it has been all of my life, and I'll be damned if I will tell anyone Happy Holidays! That ain't me! Jimmy Stewart, in "It's A Wonderful Life", just would not have had the impact, running through town screaming "Happy Holiday you old Building and Loan!" (and on the bridge, Bert the cop did not say, "Happy Holiday George!") George Bailey, would probably have jumped back in the river.

Here is a story that makes me scream quietly. As it should you. From Fire Rescue 1

Get some bile in your throat? People, typing X-Mas, was bad enough. I've about had it with the uppity, Liberal, so called "moralistic society"! They wouldn't know a moral if it jumped up and bit..... IDIOTS! They are idiots, plain and simple. They just need another way to control you and I. I am a Christian and I believe the birth of Christ to be celebrated at Christmas. Next thing you know, they will name Dec. 9th as "Religious Leaders Day". Think not? They did it with Washington and Lincolns' birthdays. Now we have Presidents Day!

And who came up with the phrase "Politically Correct"? Politicians? I call them stupid. I didn't get to vote on it. We can't say terrorist, war, holocaust,......etc. The saddest part, is our children, learning Guv speak. (bullshit, I say) Politically Correct my big old butt!

The most " Politically Incorrect" person I have ever heard? Andy Rooney from 60 minutes.

You celebrate your Sacred Holiday as you wish. You will hear no dissent from me. I will do the same. We will put up our Christmas Tree this weekend. My Grand kids expect it, and they will not get any less from me. As early in the season as it is, Merry Christmas everyone. And at the risk of offending the Chinese, Happy New Year.


Added note: If not for the birth of Christ, this would all be a mute point. Think about it.