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Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Glowing Ember of Hope?

Cross posted from Radarsite:

The Netherlands Bans Burqa

After months and months of disheartening reports from all across Europe, Scandinavia and Britain of more and more muslim cultural victories and seemingly endless shameful Western capitulations, finally some good news! Thank you Netherlands!

The Dutch cabinet said Friday it wants to ban burkas from all schools and prevent government employees from wearing the head-to-toe Islamic robes, but said it was impossible to outlaw them altogether.

Thank you for being one of the first Western democracies to show some courage and fighting spirit. Thank you for saying Enough Is Enough: You cannot take our values and our culture and our history. And we will not submit to yours.

A tempest in a teapot? Perhaps. More show than substance? Possibly. But we can only hope not, we can hope that this is the awakening we have all been waiting for. We can only pray that this is the sign of things to come, welcome evidence of some small but still glowing ember of Western pride. And we Western writers must fan these embers to the very best of our abilities, and nurture them until they can grow into a roaring inferno of patriotic passion. In these small embers lie the hopes of our glorious and imperiled Western Civilization.

We are watching you from across the sea and praying for your success in this virtual Clash of Civilizations taking place on your rich Dutch soil. We support you wholeheartedly and we care deeply. Your fight is our fight. And it is a fight we all must win.

Bravo brave Dutch people!! And God bless you!