The Daily Mail has a chilling account of how the attack in Mumbai, India was planned and executed as well as what the goal was. He was told to "kill until the last breath."
His name is Azam Amir Kasab, he is 21 and from Pakistan and he describes the planning and the attack like it was of no consequence.
According to one police source "He [Kasab] was telling our people this in a most dispassionate way and responded to the horror their faces betrayed by shrugging his shoulders, as if it was all of no real consequence."
The targets were "whites, preferably Americans and British."
According to the account of Kasab’s interrogation, given by police sources, the terrorists were trained over five months in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, then had a month off before the attacks. At some stage, they also received intensive instruction in ‘marine assault’ operations.
Kasab and the nine other terrorists, who communicated using BlackBerry mobiles, began their journey to Mumbai on November 21.
Initially unarmed, they left an isolated beach near Karachi in a small boat, before being picked up the following day by a larger vessel.
At this point they were each given eight hand grenades, an AK-47 rifle, an automatic pistol and ammunition. And in anticipation of a lengthy siege, they also carried dried fruit.
Kasab told police that the group then hijacked a fishing trawler bearing the name Kuber near the maritime boundary between Pakistan and India.
Four of its crew are missing while the fifth has been found dead, apparently beheaded. Its owner and his brother are being questioned by police.
On November 23, after reaching Porbandar in the Indian state of Gujarat, 310 nautical miles from Mumbai, the insurgents were intercepted by two coastguard officers. The group hoisted a white flag and allowed the two men to board their boat.
According to Kasab, one of the militants then attacked one of the officers, slitting his throat and throwing him overboard. The other man was forced to help the group reach their destination before being executed as the vessel drew near to Mumbai.
For most of the journey, Kasab’s friend, 25-year-old Abu Ismail, a trained sailor, steered the vessel using GPS equipment. Three speedboats met the Kuber a mile and a half from the Mumbai seafront on Wednesday. After waiting for the light to fade, they moved off, later transferring to two inflatable dinghies to go ashore.
The two groups then split up. Four men went to to the Taj hotel, two to the Jewish centre of Nariman House, Kasab and another man set off by taxi towards the railway station, and two headed for the Leopold restaurant.
While his colleagues were executing hostages at the Taj, Kasab and Ismail first opened fire with their assault rifles at around 10.20pm, killing dozens of people standing at Chhatrapati Shivaji railway station.
Then they hijacked a police 4x4, killing the two officers inside. Kasab told investigators they continued their killing spree by attacking a petrol station and blowing up a taxi before being stopped.
‘I have done right,’ he told investigators. ‘I have no regrets.’
Read the rest.
They planned this for months in advance and while they did not accomplish their goal of killing 5,000, they did slaughter hundreds and injured hundreds more.
The report also claims that many of the "hostages" were already dead while the terrorists were claiming they were alive being held as hostages.
Evidence was emerging last night that the the gunmen killed their victims early in the siege and fooled Indian security forces into thinking that they were holding hostages.
At the Sir J.J. Hospital morgue, an official said that of the 87 bodies he had examined, all but a handful had been killed during Wednesday night.
Kender, from Stop the ACLU, has found his snark:
This terrorist scumbag piece of (CENSORED****CENSORED***CENSORED***) scum plays dead and once at the hospital says “I don’t wanna die?” Some Warrior of Allah he turned out to be? Why would he not want to die and go get his virgins? Maybe because he has some inkling that his masters (the cowards who trained him) are full of (CENSORED) and he is simply tossing himself on the Altar of Stupidity? I know one thing. I’d wager the authorities in India don’t really hold much care for the Geneva conventions or any other protections normally afforded “enemy combatants” captured by our guys. What is, I wonder, the phrase in India for “Gimme those jumper cables?”
Along with whatever the authorities in India do the authorities in Jolly Old England *motto; The Home of the New Kinder Sharia Law* will probably have their hands full ignoring the fact of early intel showing much of the financing for this attack came from (wait fooor it) BRITISH MOSQUES! (I know, I am just as surprised as you. I would NEVER have thought those peaceful British Muslims would FINANCE a terror attack, surely this must be some plot of the EVIL JOOOOOOS)
A nice little rundown of Day 5 from Barcepundit, English Edition and Jules Crittenden has some good linkage to all the recent information coming out.
YID With LID ha s a piece showing that India had the intelligence about this attack a week in advance and failed to stop it.
More from Telegraph, Arutz Sheva, Fox News and Washington Post.