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Sunday, March 03, 2013

CPAC Turns Away Pamela Geller - #standwithpamelageller #CPAC #CPAC2013 - This Is Wrong

By Susan Duclos

Is CPAC trying to drive away significant segments of the GOP base? Do they want to lose the House in 2014 and have no chance at Senate control?

GOProud, ChrisChristie and now Pamela Geller all excluded for  CPAC2013.

Before quoting Ms. Geller and others who are shocked at the sheer counterproductive stupidity of CPAC organizers this year, let me say that personally, I find Geller to be the leading voice against Islamic extremism and jihadist terrorists. She is unrelenting and carries through on her promise to never stop fighting against it. These are people that murder Americans every chance they get and she battles them tirelessly and selflessly.

CPAC, this is wrong.

Via Geller:

I won't be at CPAC this year. Every year AFDI organizes a must-see event, addressing issues that the Grover Norquist/Suhail Khan cabal refuse to address (jihad, sharia, the war on freedom in the West).

This year, I applied to speak and was ignored. I tried to get a room for an AFDI event, "The War on Free Speech," and was ignored. So, for the first time in five years, I won't be at CPAC. Last year Suhail Khan bragged out loud that he (and his other operatives) had successfully kept Robert Spencer and me from being invited to speak. He went so far as to warn people not to attend our events or read our books.


In 2009, she brought Geert Wilders, who is the head of the third largest party in the Netherlands and has spoken out against the Islamization of his country.

In 2010 she held an event that her organization, The American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted, titled "Jihad: The Political Third Rail", with speakers like Allen West, Wafa Sultan, Simon Deng, Anders Gravers, and Steve Coughlin.

In 2011, she hosted an event discussing the Ground Zero Mosque with 9/11 families. In 2012, the event was titled "Islamic Law in America."

In years past, the events were standing room only thanks to their popularity, but that apparently was not enough to counter pressure brought to bear from somewhere to exclude Geller’s message.

Geller and her coworkers recently won a court battle allowing them to post ads that countered the #Myjihad ad campaign that posited that jihad was a peaceful word. Yet despite the law's defense of her rights, the ACU will not stand up for her against critics.
"Michelle Malkin, others #StandWithPamelaGeller after CPAC snub" March 2, 2013 by Twitchy Staff
However edifying this year’s CPAC gathering will be for attendees, its organizers have provided plenty of entertainment value to the public in the run-up to the event. Who will appear — Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, and Dr. Ben Carson, for example — hasn’t caused as much of a stir as who won’t be in attendance. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie wasn’t invited, GOProud has been excluded, and today Pamela Geller of the American Freedom Defense Initiative announced that her application to speak has been ignored.
 Geller reminds Twitter users - If you are on twitter, please use the hashtags #standwithpamelageller and #CPAC and #CPAC2013.