Once again, Canada Post is doing free mail to the Canadian troops over the Christmas period:
* The Department of National Defence has accepted Canada Post's offer to
provide family and friends of Canadian Forces members serving overseas with
free Regular Parcel and Lettermail service during the upcoming 2010 holiday
* This will be the 5th year that Canada Post offers this service.
* Canada Post will deliver Regular parcels free of charge to designated
Canadian Forces Bases overseas from Monday October 18, 2010 until Friday
January 7, 2011.
* Canada Post will also continue to provide free delivery of letters
weighing up to 500 grams (standard and non-standard including Medium
Lettermail) to deployed troops until December 31, 2011.
* With capacity limitations on military aircraft carrying supplies and
munitions to deployed forces, this offer is restricted to family and friends of
the deployed service men and women serving overseas in war zones. That
includes members of the Canadian Forces serving at locations such as
Afghanistan, Haiti, Sinai and Sudan. CF members serving on any of the
deployed HMC Ships are also included in the offer.
1. Mail intended for Christmas delivery to Canadian Forces personnel
serving overseas and using the Belleville address must arrive at Belleville by
19 November 10. / Afin d'assurer la livraison avant Noël du courrier destiné au
personnel des FC déployé outre-mer et utilisant l'adresse de Belleville, le courrier
devra arriver à Belleville avant le 19 nov 10.
2. Mail posted at CFPOs overseas must arrive in Canada no later than the
following dates to ensure delivery before Christmas / Le courrier envoyé par
l'entremise d'un BPFC outre-mer doit arrivé au Canada au plus tard aux dates
indiquées ci-dessous afin de s'assurer la livraison avant Noël :
a. Airmail - 3 December 2010 / Par avion - 3 déc 2010; and/et
b. Surface - 1 December 2010 / Envoie de surface 1 déc 2010.
More information here.
[Bratnote: I am leaving the French in the notice, since Canada IS officially a bilingual country.]
THANK YOU, Canada Post!