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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Securing The Border Does Work And Amnesty Does Not- By The Numbers- Brewer Video Added, Signs Are Not Enough

Two separate ABC News' reports show that when security along the border is tightened and strengthened, crime and violence goes down as does the number of illegals crossing and history, namely 1986 immigration reform which provided massive amnesty to millions, does not work.

ABC reports on Obama's immigration reform rhetoric but they also provide a key paragraph, as the last paragraph of their article, page #2.

Congress last enacted immigration reform legislation in 1986, when millions of illegal immigrants were granted amnesty and enforcement measures were strengthened. That effort proved ineffective at curtailing the flow of illegal immigrants, 12 million of whom are now estimated to reside in the United States.

So, providing amnesty for millions resulted in more illegals crossing the border, knowing that eventually someone would try to give them amnesty too.

BY THE NUMBERS, proof that increasing border patrols, added in with more fencing, has, in fact, helped lower crime, violence and the number of illegals crossing, via ABC News in another report:

---More than 646 miles of the border are protected by fence, according to Customs and Border Protection.

---More than 20,000 border patrol agents serve on the front lines -- an 80 percent increase over 2004 and the largest number in history.

---The number of illegal immigrants apprehended along the border, which CBP uses to gauge the flow of migrants, is down nearly 55 percent from 2005. The agency captured 540,865 last year.

What has been proven to work? What has been proven not to work?

Barack Obama doesn't seem capable of understanding what the numbers show and instead is still pushing for amnesty:

Obama reiterated his support for the reform framework reached by Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., earlier this year that calls for a "tough but fair path forward" for undocumented immigrants, and mirrors a plan laid out by Gutierrez that now has more than 100 co-sponsors in the House.

The proposals would allow illegal immigrants who have jobs, are in school or serve in the U.S. military to "earn legalization" by registering with the government, passing background checks, learning English and paying taxes and fees

As for what has been proven to work, increased border patrol and fences, this is how Obama responds:

Earlier this week, the White House announced a detailed a plan to send 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, with 524 going directly to Arizona.

The Arizona governor has requested 6,000 National Guard troops.

What else has Obama done to help secure the borders?

He sent signs.

Governor Jan Brewer has a message about those signs, 1 minute and well worth watching. Video below:
