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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Independents Up, Dems Down, Obama Declining And Republicans Ahead

Rasmussen reported Republicans were still leading with a seven point difference above Democrats in Rasmussen's Generic Congressional Ballot and now Gallup confirms the lead, showing 6 points with some other interesting information provided.

Those self identifying as Democrats are down, while those identifying as Independents are up, Barack Obama hits his lowest approval approval to date with 46 percent as per Gallup, and Rasmussen shows 53 percent of voters disapprove of Obama's job performance and 46 somewhat approve with 40 percent strongly disapproving and only 26 percent of the nations voters strongly approving.

Those identifying as not affiliated with either party aka Independents are more likely to vote Republican than Democrat by a 47 percent to 34 percent, according to the survey, so the fall of those identifying as Democrat and moving towards Independent is good news for the GOP heading into November. In May those numbers were 44 percent to 38 percent.

Polls are just a snap shot in time but watching them week by week and month by month can show patterns which is more indicative of how the public is leaning heading into a major midterm election year and helps handicappers with their predictions which are showing above the usual gains for the party not in power.

Many will try to attribute the trend to one specific reason or another but voters tend to take in the whole picture. Every time Obama reacts publicly in a way that goes against the majority of Americans, every time Congress goes against the majority, every backroom deal and every major breaking news story that highlights the disconnect the party in power have from the American people, it affects these trends in a negative manner for Democrats.
