Mothers: Today is a day set aside to formally recognise and honour mothers. Today, many mothers are in my heart. Mothers who are heroes; mothers OF heroes.
THIS picture reminds me daily of a special group of mothers. Yes, it IS the statue of Liberty, ( I have to believe it is no coincidence that the statue is a female....) and on 9/11 many heroes gave their all in the cause of liberty and freedoms - freedoms that this statue represents. A friend of mine told me that on 9/11, America saw the first of this generation's greatest heroes. That is true, just as it is also true that 9/11 created a special group of heroes: the mothers of the 9/11 heroes. My regular readers know that the mothers of 9/11 hold a special place in my heart, and even as I know that every day is terribly hard for these reluctant heroes, I also recognise that today - the 'official' Mother's Day - heightens that pain of the loss of their precious children.
Today, as mothers across north America gather with their children and grandchildren, the mothers of 9/11 carry the emptiness of that huge loss, oh so personally.(courtesy of FOX News)
Since 9/11, many mothers have joined the age-old sorority of military mothers. Many young mothers have also left their own infant children at home, and become military - stepped up to serve their country - themselves....
And you KNOW there is more - much more (lol) over at Assoluta Tranquillita here.