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Monday, August 03, 2009

FFS Another Obama Birth Certificate?

FFS= For Fuck Sake..... thats right, I said it, I typed it and I slapped it on a blog on the internet.

Consider it frustration.

For Fuck Sake, can we please stop with all the birth certificates? Last week an obvious forgery was tossed about the internet and now World Net Daily has a story with yet another birth certificate "supposedly" from Kenya.

CLICK TO ENLARGE(This document purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth for Barack Obama, allegedly born in Mombasa, Kenya, in 1961)

WND was able to obtain other birth certificates from Kenya for purposes of comparison, and the form of the documents appear to be identical.

Everyone salivating yet?

Not so quick.... Confederate Yankee would like to have a word with you (figuratively speaking, really, he is talking, you just kick back for a second and listen ok?)

It's a poor forgery.

If you look at the document and scroll down to the bottom, you will see on the left side the reputed embossed official seal, and under it, "Office of the Principal Registrar, Coast Province, Republic of Kenya."

Directly to the right of that seal is the issue date of the document, the "17th day of February, 1964."

The was no Republic of Kenya in February of 1964.

From December 12, 1963 to December 12, 1964, the Dominion of Kenya existed under Queen Elizabeth, with Governor General Malcolm MacDonald in charge.

The Republic of Kenya did not exist when this document was supposed to be issued.

Now, that is cleared up.... lets make another point real quick.

At this point, no document, even if real is going to make a difference...ever heard of the boy who cried wolf? Too many fakes, forgeries and desperate attempts to "plant" those faked documents have been tried.

Get it? Dead issue as far as the majority of Americans are concerned.

As for Obama.... Dude, you are just as much to blame for all this, all you had to do was produce the vault copy in the original court filings so long ago and none of this would be an issue at all right now....but nooooooooooooooooooooooo, you had to go and get stubborn, fight having to produce it, refuse to simply put this issue to bed once and for all, which naturally made people wonder why.

Idiot.... yup, I called Obama an idiot, only an idiot would have left this to fester as long as it has and he made the conscious decision to do so.

Now that I have vented.... a little laugh from Little Green Footballs: "The True Nirth Certifikit At Last"


Ok, that right there is funny.
