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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Obama 'Keeping Score' On Democratic Lawmakers

"Don't think we're not keeping score, brother." That's what President Barack Obama said to Rep. Peter DeFazio in a closed-door meeting of the House Democratic Caucus last week, according to the Associated Press.

The other day we wrote about Harry Reid, the Democrat Senate Majority leader, telling the far left liberals to "back off" Democratic moderates, saying campaigns against them were unhelpful.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Friday that liberal groups targeting moderate Democrats with ads should back off, saying pressure from the left wing of his party won't be helpful to enacting legislation.

"I think it's very unwise and not helpful," Reid said Friday morning. "These groups should leave them alone. It’s not helpful to me. It’s not helpful to the Democratic Caucus.”

Once again it seems the Democratic President and the Democratic lawmakers, such as Reid, are not communicating as they should be, because today we see that it isn't just groups like MoveOn that are targeting moderate Democrats, but the president himself is doing it as well.

A few weeks ago, Mr. DeFazio voted against the administration's stimulus bill. The comment from Mr. Obama was a presidential rebuke and part of a new, hard-nosed push by the White House to pressure Congress to adopt the president's budget. He has mobilized outside groups and enlisted forces still in place from the Obama campaign.

Senior presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett and her chief of staff, Michael Strautmanis, are in regular contact with MoveOn.Org, Americans United for Change and other liberal interest groups. Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina has collaborated with Americans United for Change on strategy and even ad copy. Ms. Jarrett invited leaders of the liberal interest groups to a White House social event with the president and first lady to kick off the lobbying campaign.

Its targets were initially Republicans, as team Obama ran ads depicting the GOP as the "party of no." But now the fire is being trained on Democrats worried about runaway spending.

Americans United is going after Democrats who are skeptical of Mr. Obama's plans to double the national debt in five years and nearly triple it in 10. The White House is taking aim at lawmakers in 12 states, including Democratic Sens. Kent Conrad, Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor. MoveOn.Org is running ads aimed at 10 moderate Senate and House Democrats. And robocalls are urging voters in key districts to pressure their congressman to get in line.

Karl Rove's piece also has some interesting data in it which shows that even Obama supporters are worried about his big spending habits.

Team Obama is also ginning up the Democratic National Committee. A special group at the DNC has been created called "Organizing for America." It is headed by Mr. Obama's campaign manager, David Plouffe, and is lobbying for the administration's spending proposals.

Organizing for America's first effort has not been terribly effective. It emailed 13 million Obama election workers, recruited 1,200 neighborhood canvassers, and, after a couple of weeks and more email pleas to the Obama list, produced 642,000 signatures. Having less than 5% of your own activists sign a petition is unimpressive and perhaps evidence that adding $9.3 trillion to the deficit alarms even some of Mr. Obama's most fervent supporters.

Then Rove goes on to address the dwindling poll numbers for Obama's budget and stimulus plans.

In March, a Gallup Poll found that positive impressions of the Obama budget dropped five points. Only 39% now harbor supportive views of it. A CNN/Opinion Research Poll in mid-March found that support for the stimulus bill Mr. Obama signed into law shifted 11-points against the bill in five weeks, with 66% of Americans opposed to a second stimulus bill.

Support continues to decline for the proposition that a big boost in government spending will lead America to prosperity. A NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll early last month found that 61% of Americans were concerned that "the federal government will spend too much money" (up 12 points from December), and only 29% were concerned "it will spend too little money to try to boost the economy."

Americans are beginning to worry. Even those completely on board with Obama health care plans and other initiatives are leery of his massive budget and the continued stimulus plans that are not geared to actually stimulate anything short term.

Obama can "keep score" all he wants, but Reid makes a good point and perhaps the two should talk. What Reid (who is no favorite of mine) seems to understand, that Obama with his Chicago style politics, doesn't, is that the majority of moderate Democrats, known as Blue Dogs" were voted into red leaning districts and if they wish to be reelected, they must satisfy their constituents, not Obama or the White House.

Should they not do as they were elected to do and represent their districts, then no amount of pressure or score keeping with save them in the next election and those seats would likely go right back to a Republican.

Eating your own does nothing but thin out your own herd.
