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Thursday, April 10, 2008

A conversation with President Bush

The weekly Standard has an article where William Kristol describes a conversation, some of it on the record and some of off the record, with President Bush. It is a must read piece.

So you'll have to take my word for it: The president is an interesting man with whom to have an off-the-record conversation about foreign affairs and American politics.

Meanwhile, on the record, the president discussed Iraq. Here too, he was interesting and impressive--though there were, as you'd expect, no great surprises.

He began with the fact that the surge had worked: "There is progress. . . . We are better off now than we were prior to the surge. And we're headed toward a day when the Iraqis are going to be able to manage their own affairs from a security perspective. But we're not there yet."

Read the whole thing, it is fascinating.

Bush will also be announcing that he will cut Army combat tours in Iraq from 15 months to 12 months, according to Wapo.

Just a couple quick interesting hits for the readers.
