Well, at least for Rep Murtha. He has some 'splainin' to do in more ways than one. As you will recall, or not, some time ago, via some shady goings on, LTC William Russell was removed from the PA ballot and it was concocted at such a time that there would not be enough time to go around and run a round to get the signatures that he needed.
The next order of battle was to have at least 1,000 PA voters in the 12th District write in the name of William Russell. Primary day came and went and lo and behold, miracles of miracles, the goal was not only met but was exceeded and they are still counting them.

Please join us as an Iraq War Veteran blazes a new path to bring Truth, Justice and the American Way back to the tainted and dishonorable halls of CONgress.
His web site is here and the other Iraq War Veterans blazing the same trails can be found here.
Tune in here and listen and/or participate in the chat room...we will have to register with BTR to chat...guests are welcome but guests cannot participate in the chat room. Not my rule. The call-in number to ask LTC Russell questions is 646-652-2670.