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Friday, September 14, 2007

Sen. Harry Reid Refuses to Meet with Grieving Mother

The man and I am being charitable calling him a man, Harry "Baghdad" Reid, refused to meet with with Debbie Lee, gold star mother, and Deborah Johns, blue star mother.

He hid in his office rather than speak to these two women.

For those unaware, a gold star mother is one that has lost a child in war and a blue start mother has a child in the service in a time of war, Deborah Johns son has served three tours in Iraq and has signed up for his fourth tour.

Harry Reid not only refused to meet and listen to these women, the coward his in his office while they were there.

Debbie Lee and Deborah Johns stopped by Sen. Hary Reid’s Senate office Friday, but the senator refused to come out of his office to meet the women.

Lee carried a picture of her son, the first Navy Seal to give his life in Iraq. Both she and Johns carried a message to Reid: Support U.S. troops and allow them to win the war in Iraq before coming home.

Johns son has served three tours in Iraq and has signed up for a fourth.

The two Debs were with a few people representing Move America Forward, the largest nonprofit, pro-troops organization in the country.
Chairman Melanie Morgan and Vice Chairman Buzz Patterson were disappointed and frustrated that Reid would not come out of hiding. Instead, he sent out a spokesman who said Reid does support the troops and he wants the home.

Reid has a strange way of showing his support. He has said they are losers - that U.S. troops have already lost in Iraq.

Then he refused to condemn a vile advertisement a radical leftwing group published in the New York Times calling their Iraqi commander, Gen. David Petraeus, a betrayer.

If that’s showing support, I wonder what Reid would do if he didn’t support our troops!

FOX News filmed the discussion among the military mothers, Morgan, Patterson and Reid’s aide.

See the pictures and the story for yourself here.

Beneath contempt to hide like a child instead of having the courage to meet with these two women face to face.

I expected no better from Harry "Baghdad" Reid though and he, once again, proved me right.

Remember, tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day on the Hill.

Also check out the Meeting between the president and bloggers, discussing Iraq, via INDC Journal.

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