Quick recap, evidently, JetBlue donated some free tickets to DailyKos, (Influence Peddler link)ummmmm, travel vouchers, for their yearly convention.
Chaos ensued. (Surber link)
O'Reilly jumped into the mix.(Hot Air link with video)
(Continued after the advertisement)

JetBlue makes a statement. (Via Michelle Malkin)
Thank you for contacting JetBlue with your comment. We have been surprised and disappointed that the donation of JetBlue travel (10 tickets total) to a bloggers convention has been misinterpreted as support and/or agreement with a politically centered website we have absolutely no connection with.
As a company we take no stand on any political issues save those directly related to air transportation issues.
From my personal perspective the issue is quite straightforward. Our marketing team made a decision to donate 10 airline tickets to an annual convention of bloggers.
JetBlue was one of 23 groups to donate items and thus ’sponsor’ the YearlyKos convention. JetBlue will have no presence at the conference or any other involvement with the YearlyKos event. We have NO INVOLVEMENT with DailyKos or anything said or represented on that website.
Our workforce of roughly 11,000 consists of a huge variety of backgrounds and belief systems. I was personally completely unaware of the existence of DailyKos prior to news connecting the YearlyKos convention and thus our airline ticket donation to DailyKos. I personally have never condoned and abhor anything hateful towards anyone and am fully confident that JetBlue’s crewmembers share this view.
We certainly hope that the sweeping generalizations connecting JetBlue to a political stand will be recognized as exaggeration and with no basis in fact.
Dave Barger
CEO, JetBlue Airways
DailyKos takes the JetBlue logos off their site at the request of JetBlue, Kos gets to keep the travel vouchers.
From Malkin's site:
Just got word that JetBlue has asked the YearlyKos organizers to remove its name from the nutroots convention’s website.
DailyKos throws a hissy fit.
It seems a previous hissy fit was deleted from DailyKos.
Follow all the links.
Quite amusing.