Thursday, October 09, 2008

Video-McCain Campaign Lays Out The Obama-Ayers Connection

In a one-minute 40 second video ad the McCain campaign lays out the Obama-Ayers connection in a manner which will allow the American voters to see how deep the connection between Barack Obama and William Ayers is.

For those unaware, Ayers was a Domestic terrorist that set off bombs on US soil, the Pentagon, Capitol and a judges home, when he was a part of the Weatherman Underground...more here about Weatherman.

This is the strongest, hardest hitting ad against Obama yet. (YouTube URL here and ad below)


Text of ad:

Barack Obama and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. Friends. They’ve worked together for years. But Obama tries to hide it. Why?

Obama launched his political career in Ayers’ living room. Ayers and Obama ran a radical “education” foundation, together. They wrote the foundation’s by-laws, together. Obama was the foundation’s first chairman. Reports say they, “distributed more than $100 million to ideological allies with no discernible improvement in education.”

When their relationship became an issue, Obama just responded, “This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood.” That’s it?

We know Bill Ayers ran the “violent left wing activist group” called Weather Underground. We know Ayers’ wife was on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list. We know they bombed the Capitol. The Pentagon. A judge’s home. We know Ayers said, “I don’t regret setting bombs. …. I feel we didn’t do enough.”

But Obama’s friendship with terrorist Ayers isn’t the issue. The issue is Barack Obama’s judgment and candor. When Obama just says, “This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood,” Americans say, “Where’s the truth, Barack?”

Barack Obama. Too risky for America.

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air believes one more ad might be following which will feature "the son of the judge whose home got bombed by the Weather Underground":

I suspect this is not the end of this subject, either. I’d expect at least one more ad featuring John Murtaugh, the son of the judge whose home got bombed by the Weather Underground. Murtaugh, who is running for the New York state legislature, has already released a statement through the McCain campaign attacking Obama for associating with an unrepentant leader of the terrorist organization that tried to kill him as a boy. I’m certain he will happily participate in an ad to put a human face on Ayers’ terrorism.

There is not much time left before November election and making sure the voters know this information before going into the voting booth is paramount.

Spread the video around. Make sure those unaware of the Obama-Ayers relationship become aware.
