Thursday, October 09, 2008

ACORN Obama, ACORN Obama, ACORN Obama

Barack Obama's association with terrorist William Ayers is not the only issue that has come to light to the majority of American voters recently.

ACORN otherwise known as Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now is under investigation all across the country. This is a liberal group that collects voter registrations and is directly linked to Barack Obama and since they have come to the public eye, Barack Obama has taken to trying to deny his close ties with them, despite monies his campaign has given them ($800,000) his working directly with them in the past and his public statements regarding them such as "I’ve been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work."

No surprise to see ACORN in the news yet again today, as they were yesterday and the day before and last week and last month, all for voter fraud, putting though fake registrations, duplicates, dead people and underage children, all in the name of helping elect their old friend Barack Obama.

Today we see ACRON harassed voters into registering multiple times, followed them around, encouraged them to keep registering time and time again.

From the New York Post:

Barkley estimated he'd registered to vote "10 to 15" times after canvassers for ACORN, whose political wing has endorsed Barack Obama, relentlessly pursued him and others.

Claims such as his have sparked election officials to probe ACORN.

"I kept getting approached by folks who asked me to register," Barkley said. "They'd ask me if I was registered. I'd say yes, and they'd ask me to do it [register] again.

"Some of them were getting paid to collect names. That was their sob story, and I bought it," he said.

Barkley is one of at least three people who have been subpoenaed by the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections as part of a wider inquiry into possible voter fraud by ACORN. The group seeks to register low-income voters, who skew overwhelmingly Democratic.

"You can tell them you're registered as many times as you want - they do not care," said Lateala Goins, 21, who was subpoenaed.

"They will follow you to the buses, they will follow you home, it does not matter," she told The Post.

Michelle Malkin
has a partial list of the recent problems with ACORN and I have been following this with amazement myself recently and you will find those pieces listed at the end of this post under "previously".

  • Missouri - Officials now have to sift through hundreds of bogus applications submitted last August.
  • Connecticut - A criminal investigation has been opened into ACORN fraud.
  • Wisconsin - Registering convicted felons.
  • Ohio - ACORN tells Cuyahoga County’s election board that they can’t stop themselves from committing fraud.
  • Indiana - Over a thousand new applications from ACORN appear to investigators to be fraudulent, and that should be no surprise, since Indianapolis now has 105% of its population registered to vote.

The Associated Press is now reporting even more problems, now in Missouri:

Officials in Missouri, a hard-fought jewel in the presidential race, are sifting through possibly hundreds of questionable or duplicate voter-registration forms submitted by an advocacy group that has been accused of election fraud in other states.

Charlene Davis, co-director of the election board in Jackson County, where Kansas City is, said the fraudulent registration forms came from the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. She said they were bogging down work Wednesday, the final day Missourians could register to vote.

Davis also says, "I don't even know the entire scope of it because registrations are coming in so heavy. We have identified about 100 duplicates, and probably 280 addresses that don't exist, people who have driver's license numbers that won't verify or Social Security numbers that won't verify. Some have no address at all."

Ogden on Politics noticed something very strange in Indiana. It seems that Indiana has more registered voters than people eligible to vote.

Now, that is an accomplishment!!!!

Other than Barack Obama's public statements and previous work done for ACORN by him, Hot Air points folk's attention to an Investors Business Daily article showing that Barack Obama has paid $800,000 to ACORN for their services.

For starters, Obama paid ACORN, which has endorsed him for president, $800,000 to register new voters, payments his campaign failed to accurately report. (They were disguised in his FEC disclosure as payments to a front group called Citizen Services Inc. for "advance work.")

Much much more at IBD about Obama's ties with ACORN.

Are we finally getting to know the real Barack Obama?

Previously on WUA:

Barack Obama Trying To Deny His Ties To ACORN Now?


Las Vegas ACORN Office Raided in Voter Fraud Probe

More Dead, Underage And Fictitious Voter Registrations in Indiana, From ACORN

Michigan Branch Of ACORN Putting Through "Sizable, Duplicate, Fraudulent Voter Applications

Enforcing Florida's 'No Match, No Vote' Law Begins

ACORN In The News Again For Workers Registering Dead Voters And Others
