Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Barack Obama Trying To Deny His Ties To ACORN Now?

Piles of evidence have linked Barack Obama to ACORN aka Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Documented ties, articles quoting Obama himself stating those ties and now The Corner shows us that Barack Obama is trying to distance himself and deny those ties since ACORN is being investigated in quite a few states for voter fraud?

Barack Obama is now apparently denying his ties with Acorn. Here’s what he’s posted on the subject at his "Fight the Smears" website. These claims are contradicted by several sources, a number of which I linked to in my piece, "Inside Obama’s Acorn." In that piece, you’ll find a link to a Los Angeles Times piece in which Chicago Acorn leader Madeline Talbott is described as so impressed with Obama that "she invited him to help train her staff." You’ll also see a link to a statement by Obama himself, made in pursuit of Acorn’s endorsement. Obama says: "I’ve been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work." In my piece, "No Liberation," you’ll find a link to a 1995 profile of Obama which says: "Obama continues his organizing work largely through classes for future leaders identified by ACORN and the Centers for New Horizons on the south side." My articles provide background, but the quotes and links I’ve presented here, and in the past, pretty conclusively contradict Obama’s current claims at "Fight the Smears."

Read the rest at The Corner for even more evidence of Obama's close association with ACORN as well as the previous pieces below which also has documented links between Obama and ACORN as recently as this year.

ACORN, Rezko, Ayers, Wright, Pfleger, Meeks...etc... these associations of Obama are a good reason why people need to understand how bad his judgment is at best and how crooked his associations are and at worst, his involvement with these people show his negligence and irresponsibility.

More on ACORN from NetRightNation:

Voter Fraud in Ohio: In a stunning development, the Democrat activist group ACORN - a frequent and influential advisor to Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner - now publicly admits that its Ohio staff engages in election fraud.

ACORN Las Vegas Office Raided: Nevada state authorities seized records and computers Tuesday from the Las Vegas office of an organization that tries to get low-income people registered to vote, after fielding complaints of voter fraud.

All Roads Lead to ACORN: Following the DNC Convention, Saul Alinsky’s son, L. David Alinsky, wrote a letter to the Boston Globe. “Barack Obama’s training in Chicago by the great community organizers is showing his effectiveness,” the son wrote. “I am proud to see that my father’s model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It’s a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday.”

Palling Around With Terrorists: Watching Barack Obama, twist and turn, stutter and stammer - and, yes, lie - about his up close and personal relationship with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers has swept me back in memory’s eye to the last dinner I had with my late friend George Crile.

ACORN Will Beat McCain Down: A telling video of ACORN protestors threatening McCain.

Previously on WUA:


Las Vegas ACORN Office Raided in Voter Fraud Probe

More Dead, Underage And Fictitious Voter Registrations in Indiana, From ACORN

Michigan Branch Of ACORN Putting Through "Sizable, Duplicate, Fraudulent Voter Applications

Enforcing Florida's 'No Match, No Vote' Law Begins

ACORN In The News Again For Workers Registering Dead Voters And Others
