By Susan Duclos
NOTE- If anyone has updated photos of this event and want them published in this article, email them to

[Update] Bear with me folks, I am adding the photos as quick as I can save them, name them and open this article back up…. keep refreshing for more photos and videos— This article will be updated all weekend from the 11th-13th- Thank you, Susan
For those unaware of what is going on, a quick intro. Truck drivers across the country are heading to Washington DC for the “Truckers Ride for the Constitution,” Facebook page for them can be found here. The event is scheduled for October 11-13, 2013, to shut down DC. Twitter hashtag #T2SDA.
[UPDATE From Truckes Ride for the Constituton - 10/12/13]
Everyone: Here is what we have: The trucks have made it downtown DC! 48 bobtails broke away and are in the heart of the city to stage a protest. Record rains, intervention by law enforcement along with confusing reports from rouge truckers hampered turn out but they are there and locals are cheering them on . Truckers are throwing full support to vets!
Trucker UStream has been set up.
[Update] A huge developement reported by Live Free or Die at Before It’s News: Truckers & Veterans Meet In DC – #T2SDA & #1MVetMarch
They have given warning, there is a Live Coverage event going on at Before it’s News by Radio host Pete Santilli.
Already one report has come out about cops pulling over portions of the convoy, by Live Free or Die at Before It’s News.
The Truckers have also offered free rides to Veterans to DC for their Million Veteran Marchon the memorials that Washington has banned them from due to the shutdown.
Ok, all caught up here.
New Before It’s News article by Liberator, “Happening Now! Truckers Roaring Into DC“
[Update] National Guard Statement issued, see article from Live Free or Die at Before It’s News, here.
[Update] #T2SDA Warned Stay Out Of DC: Truckers Threatened With Arrest
[Update 10/12/13] Truckers Ride On DC – Video Update Oct. 12 – Freedom Over Fear #T2SDA (Vid)
Below will be continuous updates, photos, videos, news accounts, first person accounts from the Truckers’ themselves, so come back often.
Starting with some of the early photos coming out.


[UPDATE] New Videos on Top here
This next video fits with the live Truckers Ride for the Constitution strike and this veterans march as channel 4 news shows the truckers and the vets marching the “barry-cades” down the street, then lets add in what the captions reads about BIKERS joining in the WW II Memorial march and we have a party folks!
Read the rest and see the dozens and dozens of photos and videos, including readers' emailed original photos, at Before It's News.