Thursday, October 18, 2012

Video- American Crossroads: 'Act of Terror' Uses Candy Crowley Calling Obama Out On Libya Lies

By Susan Duclos

After inserting herself into the disagreement between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama in the second presidential debate, Candy Crowley then clarified her position later and admitted that Mitt Romney was right in the main and reiterating that the administration blamed a video for two weeks before acknowledging that the attack in Libya which killed four Americans was a terrorist attack.

During the presidential debate, it was found that Crowley interrupted Mitt Romney 28 times, interrupted Barack Obama only 9 times and still managed to give Obama four aditional minutes of speaking time over Romney.

Previous Crowley statements from when Romney chose Paul Ryan as his running mate, made her bias towards Obama and against Romney clear when she called the Ryan/Romney ticket a "ticket death wish."

So it must be galling for her to now have to watch her own statement, calling out the administration on their Libya lies, used in an American Crossroads campaign ad against her candidate Barack Obama.

The use of Crowley starts at the 1:15 mark.



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