Thursday, October 18, 2012

Linkfest Of Reminders For Michelle Obama Who Claims Barack 'Didn't Place Blame'

By Susan Duclos

Michelle Obama definitely wins the H-u-A platinum award for her ridiculous assertion that her husband, Barack " didn't point fingers," and "didn't place blame."

Via The Hill:

"See, but your president, he didn't point fingers," Michelle Obama said at a campaign fundraiser in New York. "He didn't place blame. Instead, he got to work, because he was thinking about folks like my dad and like his grandmother. See, and that's why he cut taxes for small businesses and for working families, because he believes that in America, teachers and firefighters should not pay higher tax rates than millionaires and billionaires."

A simple Google search turns her assertion into the joke it is.

Obama blames Bush for the deficit, three and a half years after Obama took office.

Obama blamed Bush for Fast and Furious even though the operation Fast and Furious started in 2009, after Bush was out of office.

Obama blames Bush for the economy.

Obama blames Bush for plummeting wealth in 2012.

February 2012, Obama blames Koch brothers for high gas prices.

March 2012, Obama blames Iran for high gas prices.

2011: Obama blames "bad luck" for the economy.

Obama blames Congress on jobs.

Obama says “structural issues with our economy,” are to blame for sluggish job growth, pointing specifically to ATMs and airport kiosks as the reason the economy is barely keeping afloat.

According to Obama Obama, it’s not his administration’s onslaught of excessive regulations or failed ‘stimulus’ policies that are to blame for America’s economic rut –it’s Americans.  In an interview last year, President Obama faulted American job creators, saying they had gotten “a little soft” and lost their “competitive edge.”

Obama blames Europe for our sluggish economy, more than once.

Obama blames high gas prices for high energy prices.

Obama blames the media for reporting the news.

Obama blames the GOP for a lack of immigration reform (despite his having had total control of the House and Senate for his first two years in office)

The list goes on and on and on and on.......but you get the point.

Via The Right Scoop, Rush Limbaugh reads off six pages of major news headlines of the Obama Blame diaries.(That only dealt with those up to August 2011)


Headwinds are the one thing Obama has consistently blamed almost everything on,,,, the GOP has some fun with that in a video.


Talk about living in a bubble or an alternate reality. Where has Michelle Obama been the last four years? Twilight Zone?