150 Christian leaders, conservative activists and business leaders met in Texas and after two days, the majority decided the group should throw their support behind Rick Santorum.
Beltway Buzz:
After a two day meeting at a ranch outside of Houston a group of 150 Christian leaders, business leaders and conservative activists have coalesced behind Rick Santorum.
Friday night surrogates from every GOP campaign (except that of Jon Huntsman) attended the meeting and made the case for their candidate. Saturday leaders took part in a "passionate time" of discussions about what they're looking for in a conservative leader. After three rounds of balloting Santorum emerged as the candidate leaders feel they can support.
Via The Politico, the second round of voting had Newt Gingrich with 49 percent of the vote and Santorum with 51 percent but people left by the time the third round of ballots went out and the consensus being reported went to Santorum.

The results of certification should be in by Tuesday.
This isn't the first we have heard of this since one vote counter from Moulton, Appanoose County, claimed previously that there was a 20 vote typo/error in favor of Mitt Romney, where he was given 22 votes after only receiving 2 in that precinct.
Other happenings on the GOP campaign trail includes Mitt Romney handing out cash to a woman in his ropeline. ~~~~~ Good optics.
Rick Perry vowing to stay in the race no matter the results of South Carolina.~~~~~ As a Perry supporter, I will say, if he shows badly in South Carolina and Florida, he should step aside gracefully.
The State believes Jon Huntsman can "bring us back together." ~~~~~ Huntsman is simply not likable, he looks, talks and acts snotty as if he is above everyone, just my opinion.
While the campaigning is hot and heavy in South Carolina, Ron Paul heads home to Texas. ~~~~~ I might not be a Paul supporter, but questions about whether he is "serious" about the presidential race just because he takes a weekend off to head home, underestimates his campaign and his popularity among his supporters.
Newt Gingrich says he will release his tax returns and challenges Mitt Romney to do the same. ~~~~~ One does have to wonder what Romney is hiding when releasing them when this issue forst arose would have taken it off the table.
Six days and counting until the South Carolina primaries.