When the story first broke that almost 15,000 votes hadn't been reported to the AP on election night, accusations and headlines from liberal blogs using quotes to surround words like "finds" and "missing votes", "human error" and the meme of the day was that Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus somehow pulled votes out of her ass to assure a victory by the conservative incumbent Justice Prosser over liberal candidate JoAnne Kloppenburg.
Looks like the votes were reported and documented, they just hadn't made it into the vote total that made it into the news outlets.
Since liberals would never believe the truth coming from conservatives, it is poetic justice that it is Huffpo that delivers the blow:
UPDATE: 11:20 p.m. -- Perhaps the most convincing evidence so far that human error explains the initial omission of Brookfield's results comes from our colleagues at the Brookfield Patch. On election night, they reported a vote total for Brookfield that exactly matches the vote total Kathy Nickolaus did not include in the County level count until Thursday. As Joe Petrie and Lisa Sink of the Brookfield Patch reported on Thursday...
Read the entire thing with charts over at Huffington Post.
Then head over and please notice the date of the report at BrookfieldPatch which is April 6, 2011... and yes, that is before Nickolaus publicly gave her mea culpa and blamed her own human error which the left derided so loudly.
Because salt feels so good in an open wound, lets point out the additional votes "found" elsewhere during canvassing, which the whole purpose of IS to confirm, verify and catch any type of "human error."
Waukesha County vote totals may have caused a stir in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election Thursday, but as vote results from additional counties become official, Justice David Prosser continues to lead JoAnne Kloppenburg.The results from Waukesha County became official Friday, and were added to the Wisconsin state Government Accountability Board's website of officially reporting counties. Ballots from the city of Brookfield that had been left out of unofficial vote totals were discovered, changing the final vote tally and swinging results in the favor of Prosser in that county.
The Wisconsin state Government Accountability Board has added canvass results from 53 counties and 19 still remain. Vote totals tabulated from each county of the 53 reflect that Prosser leads Kloppenburg by roughly 100,000 votes. Of the nineteen counties remaining, canvass vote totals from populous Milwaukee and Kenosha are still outstanding.
I do not see a whole lot of liberal bloggers, those that implied or directly accused Nickolaus of foul play, apologizing or even offering corrections to their initial stories lamenting how she magically found votes. I also do not see them calling for the resignation of officials in the other counties that magically found votes using the canvassing process meant to determine "official" election results.
I guess those outlets and/or blogs would prefer the public simply forget they jumped the gun and made accusations that had no basis in fact or reality.
Patch’s scoop in the Wisconsin court race