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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Trump Calls Out Media For Focusing On 'Birther' Topic Instead Of Real Issues

Watch the whole video, after answering their questions, they keep going back to the Obama birth certificate issue and Trump finally points to the fact that they refuse to address issues and continue to push the birther topic.


"...I think my strength is jobs, the economy and protecting our nation from OPEC, China and all these other countries that are ripping us off. That's my strength. The problem is every time I go on a show like, as an example, this morning, the first question you asked me is about the birth certificate.

So, I go on a show, I want to talk about how we are going to salvage ourselves from losing $300 billion this year to China and the person always asks 'Mr. Trump, lets talk about the birth certificate."

A little further into the discussion they do it again and you can hear the incredulity in Trump's voice as he points out they are still doing it!!!

This is a point I have previously pointed out, how the media pushes the story then claims Trump is "dwelling" on it or pushing it in every interview. This is also a point Sarah Palin has mentioned calling it unfair treatment of Trump.


Trump says he'll reveal ‘interesting things’ on Obama- CNN

Trump to McCain: 'You're Hired!' - Daily Beast interview with Trump by Meghan McCain

Poll: 45 percent of Republicans think Obama born out of US- The Hill.

Obama sees his approval ratings drop after launching 2012 reelection bid- The Hill.
