Can we now be so sure of that in light of the election of Scott Brown? We have already projected that the Republicans will pick up 60 seats held by Democrats which is double any other analyst is willing to project. How could there possibly be any more? The fact remains that there are 182 House seats where the Democrat incumbent voted for Obama care with most likely no unpleasant consequences like not getting re-elected. Since 219 Democrats voted for Obama care, there are only 37 who will likely pay the price for their foolishness. That means there are another 23 Democrats who voted against Obama care but will pay the price anyway for the 182 who will not. We have a map of those folks on our 2010 election outlook page.
Over 83% of the Democrats will not pay any price for voting to make you buy health insurance under penalty of fine or imprisonment if you do not. Forget about anything else having to do with the House care reform bill pro or con. 182 Democrats voted to force you to buy something with your own money supposedly for your own good whether you like it or not and they will get away with it with no consequences. Why in the world would you want to let them get away with that? To help you see whether you live in a district represented by one of these 182 freedom hating Democrats and one Republican, here is a map of them: