The latest ads against Reid deal with VP Joe Biden's upcoming visit to Nevada and ties Reid to Biden and Obama's economic stimulus bill that had promised the creation of jobs, which has not happened.
The Hill:
In a new radio advertisement, scheduled to air at the end of this week, the RNC attributes Nevada's rising unemployment rate to the Senate Democratic leader and his support for the White House's economic recovery strategy. The one-minute spot suggests Reid has lost his focus, lacks fiscal discipline and spends more time catering to the Obama administration than conveying the needs of his constituents.
"When the year began, Harry Reid led the charge to pass a huge new spending program he and Joe Biden said would mean jobs," the advertisement's female narrator says atop rather regal music.
"Seems like we’d be better off with less Washington in Nevada and more Nevada in Washington," the one-minute ad continues. "We just can’t afford the reckless economic policies of Harry Reid and Joe Biden."
Unemployment has now reached the official count of 9.8 percent, and that is before the blockbuster news that thousands upon thousands of jobs listed, do not even exist.
The RNC is not the only group that is going after Harry Reid either. From within his own party, voters are taking issue with his handling of the Senate.
Republican filibuster? Democrats have 60 votes. There is no Republican filibuster, just a Democratic one. The problem is Reid's inability to keep his caucus together. His office can't even be honest about Reid's leadership failures. Fucking liars.
I'll take a Chuck Schumer-run Senate with 57 Democrats (bye bye Reid, Lieberman, and Lincoln) than a Harry Reid-run one with 75 Democrats.
Progressive liberals are unhappy with Harry Reid, as are Nevadans, and from recent polling it looks like he may very well be replaced come his next election.