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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

1,502 Page Obamacare Bill Filed

Via The Politico:

Senate Finance Committee members have been notified that the committee's health reform bill was filed today. S. 1796 weighs in at 1,502 pages, according to a Senate Republican leadership source.............

You can read the full 1502 pages (PDF) here.

Even Democratic politicians acknowledge the plan, as is, will "whack" middle income families with taxes.

But Democratic Sens. John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, Robert Menendez, Debbie Stabenow and Jay Rockefeller are concerned that the threshold that defines a Cadillac plan is too low and will whack middle-class people.

“We remain concerned that the thresholds are too low and will impact plans that are not overly generous and that in 2019 far too many plans will be impacted by the excise tax. We plan to continue to work with Chairman Baucus on this issue to ensure that provision bends the cost curve, but not at the expense of middle-income Americans,” the senators wrote in a one-page “additional views” document that was released with the bill.

More from ABC's The Note.

No commentary until I have had a chance to read it.
