Proposition 8, which was a measure on some ballots in the November elections, passed with 52 percent of the vote in California. Prop 8 was a ban against gay or same-sex marriage.
Recently we have brought news about Michigan Liberals from the Back Bash gay activist group attacking a church during services as well as other backlash against those that fought to get Prop 8 passed.
It has been 11 days since the election and the protests, violence and boycotts, has escalated against people, groups, churches and businesses that supported Proposition 8 and helped it to get passed.
Whether the measure is right or wrong, it was put on the ballot, it was voted on and it was passed by the majority, which is how our system works. People also own their vote and have the legal right to contribute and to help further their "cause," whether that cause is right or wrong.
This proposition will see the courtroom, no doubt about that as gay activists and groups that were opposed to Prop 8 challenge the legality in court.
Again, that is how things work within our system.
According to TIME, Mormons and blacks are being targeted by gay activists:
The Mormon Church is not the only group being singled out for criticism. African-Americans, 70% of whom voted yes on Proposition 8, according to a CNN exit poll, have become a target. According to eyewitness reports published on the Internet, racial epithets have been used against African-Americans at protests in California, directed even at blacks who are fighting to repeal Proposition 8.
The LA Times reports on this as well:

"No matter your opinion of Proposition 8, we should all agree that it is wrong to intimidate and harass churches, businesses and individuals for participating in the democratic process," Ron Prentice, of ProtectMarriage.com, said in a statement. Boycotters were "unabashedly trampling on the rights of others," he said.The activists have pored though campaign contribution databases and then "outed" Proposition 8 donors on sites like Facebook.com and craigslist.com. "People are going to do what they want, and it's in this society where you have campaign reporting that is all public information," said Karger.
Activists behind the boycott effort argue they are simply exercising their political rights.
"People are determining who their friends are, and who are not their friends," said Fred Karger, a Los Angeles resident and retired political consultant. "I think people need to be held accountable for their financial support."
Some gay rights activists also have gone onto the restaurant website yelp.com, giving bad reviews to eateries linked to the Yes on 8 movement.
"This one star is for their stance on Prop. 8," one poster wrote of El Coyote Mexican Cafe. "Enjoy it. . . . You deserve it."
TIME also reports that the campaign manager for Yes on Proposition 8, Frank Schubert, states, "No matter what you think of Proposition 8, we ought to respect people's right to participate in the political process. It strikes me as quite ironic that a group of people who demand tolerance and who claim to be for civil rights are so willing to be intolerant and trample on other people's civil rights."
That truly does seem to be the bottom line here. No matter where you stand on an issue, if it is on a public ballot to be voted on, then each person has the legal right to vote as they choose without fear of intimidation or harm.
Perhaps the activists should take aim at officials or laws that made it legal to put the measure on the ballot to begin with, instead of targeting people that fought for what they believed in.
Gay activists that are acting like children, stomping their feet and having a temper tantrum, vandalizing churches, publishing personal information about people that dared oppose your point of view, is nothing short of intimidation and should not be tolerated at all.
When judgments come down in favor of gay rights, gay activists like to proclaim loudly that it is the Democratic way, the people have spoken and all that jazz, yet when the people vote, by a majority, slim or not, and 52 percent IS a majority, against something those same activists do not agree with, they act like out of control little spoiled brats.
Guess what folks? Life isn't always fair and sometimes the majority of voters do not agree with a minority group, it happens, grow the hell up and deal with it and work harder next time to get your own proposals passed, but stop acting out and showing your own intolerance while proclaiming that others are intolerant of you.
That simply makes you look hypocritical.
(Disclaimer- Readers will notice that I have not voiced an opinion on gay-marriage in and of itself, nor will I. I have no dog in this race. The post is about our Republic which holds Democratic elections and how the people vote and laws, propositions and amendments get voted on, passed or rejected by the people.
Either respect the system or work to change it, but think long and hard about trying to intimidate people, for it can and will come back to bite you in the ass in other areas.)