"Thank you. The lefties are writing in, howling for my scalp. If you could write a letter of support for what I wrote to my newspaper, it would be great.The address is letters@independent.ie
It's" up to you. Either way, thanks."
To the editor. The truth is volatile, isn't it? I think perhaps we should just stay away from it altogether, it's too dangerous. I think writer's like Mr. Myers should be silenced because they are exposing their readers to the truth, and we can't have that, can we? We must keep ourselves comfortably wrapped in our denials and delusions.Here is what I think. You should be proud of yourselves for having the courage to print Mr. Myers brave article. We are facing a multitude of enemies in this real world of ours, enemies from both within and without, who are determined to destroy us or steal our cultural heritage. Our only hope is truth. We must be able to confront the truth, no matter how "volatile" it may be. If we continue describing our world with wishful euphemisms and continue to ignore the truth we are lost.
Bravo Mr. Myers!And bravo Independent IE for supporting him!
Roger W. Gardner
Boston, USA