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Friday, June 06, 2008

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Offended By Delivery A Curious George T-Shirt

(The front of the t-shirt sent to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation)

It was previously reported that a tavern owner sparked controversy by selling a t-Shirt with Curious George eating a banana with the words "Obama in '08". There is a new shirt and someone sent the new shirt to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
The same controversial Curious Goerge Obama T-shirt is being sold by Spring River Tees, but they also have another t-shirt for sale, this one shows a picture of Curious George, the children's television and book character, with a bag over his head and holding a sign that says "A Truth We Can Believe in '08!!!"

That is just the front of the shirt.

The back of the shirt of the shirt reads:

the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life

The legal definition of racial discrimination as defined by the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination, 1996

In larger letters underneath of that it says:

There are over 1,000 African American, Hispanic and other minority organizations in America. How many white organizations can you find? Or can you imagine what would happen every time one was made?

Under that it says:

Who is really Causing the racial division?

(The back of the t-shirt sent to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.)


This t-shirt was mailed to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) on Wednesday and according to CBCF President Elsie Scott, the timing of the package was no coincidence as she says, "We received it as a reaction to Obama winning the nomination."

The "truth-we-can-believe-in" t-shirt that the CBCF received is also sold on the web site, titled "Hussein," which is Obama's middle name.

What I typed above is what can be seen by enlarging the back of the t-shirt on the website selling it, but according to Scott, there is more written on the back of the shirt.

She says the back of the shirt also lists several African American organizations, ranging from the CBCF and the NAACP to the Black Surfers Association, the Black Coaches Association and Obama's former church, Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

Mingled with the listing of the numerous black organizations is the Ku Klux Klan and two Hispanic groups. "To be put in the same category with the KKK is insulting to me," Scott says.

Scott found the t-shirt offensive enough to have reported the contents of the package to the hate crimes unit of the D.C. Metropolitan Police.

The CBCF did not keep the envelope so they have no postmark information to find out who sent the t-shirt to the group but Scott says that showing Curious George with a bag over his head reminded her of "lynchings".

"Maybe I was reading too much into it, but coming from the South and being the daughter of a civil rights leader, it rubbed me the wrong way," she said.