It seems Lou Dobbs is under attack from some fly by night group calling themselves "The Hispanic Institute" and based in Washington, DC has decided to boycott CNN and Lou Dobbs because he has the courage to state the obvious: Illegals are ruining and draining the economy through entitlement programs, crime, prison populations, etc. So, The Hispanic Institute wants to shut him up and they're using a Media Matters report (here).
Let's begin dissecting the article in question (all pictures, emphasis and inserted comments mine):

Hispanic group right to stand up to hatemongersSo, as you can see from this blathering nonsense, the Arizona Daily Star, while too cowardly to print a byline to this drivel, fully supports the continuing ILLEGAL INVASION we are infested with every day. They have decided to show their true, racist, hate America agenda by calling for censorship of those brave enough to stand up and tell the truth. They try to hide the facts behind misleading statements designed to tug at emotions. They will not publish the true facts. Nor will they publish the fact the Legal Workers/Employer's Sanction law in Arizona is working and working TOO WELL--it's being challenged (and has been challenged repeatedly) in the 9th Circuit District Court because it "violates the rights of illegals".
Our view: Hispanic Institute's boycott of CNN over Lou Dobbs puts networks on notice public won't tolerate hateful lies (who wrote this? No courage to sign the byline???)
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 06.08.2008
The Hispanic Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit group, last week launched a national boycott of CNN, the cable news channel, to highlight unrelenting and erroneous attacks against Latino immigrants (notice how they do not distinguish between LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and ILLEGAL CRIMINALS) by talk-show host Lou Dobbs. While we aren't sure such an effort will be effective and while by its nature, it impugns other good programs on CNN, we agree with the spirit of the boycott (this is a DAILY newspaper finally showing its obscene racist and left slant, boys and girls).
We applaud the institute for taking a stand on behalf of the immigrant community (once again failing to distinguish between LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and ILLEGAL CRIMINALS) and calling on a network to take responsibility for the content of its programs. We encourage other groups — whether they represent minorities or not — to let CNN and other news outlets know that unwarranted attacks that demonize a particular group of people will not be tolerated.
If the Hispanic community flexes its viewership muscles and the boycott succeeds in reducing CNN's ratings, particularly for Lou Dobbs' nightly show, officials with the network might be inclined to get rid of such inflammatory and dishonest programming (how is reporting FACTS inflammatory and dishonest?).
Similarly, we believe local groups could put pressure on Tucson radio station 104.1-FM, which airs "The Jon Justice Show," a morning program that repeats many of the claims made by Lou Dobbs and other anti-immigrant media personalities (Jon ROCKS in bringing us FACTS and the groups such as AZTLAN, MeCha, La Raza, etc. want to censor him because he speaks REAL truth to power--only their voices are allowed to be heard and in their minds, only THEY are allowed the luxury of free speech).
Lou Dobbs, along with fellow CNN host Glenn Beck and Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly, has been behind much of the anti-immigrant sentiment (actually the racist groups themselves have been behind the growing groundswell and the taxpayers are fed up with what their money is paying for) that is gripping the country. Dobbs and others regularly make outlandish and erroneous claims. Among them: that illegal immigrants are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime, that they drain communities of cash by illegally using social services and that they intend to take over the Southwestern United States (visit the LaRaza/AZTLAN sites--they do indeed intend to take over the SW United States, claiming it is Mexico land; they have even made such statements as these: "Hello we have been here before 1492 then when this land was stolen in 1848"; "We call things racism just to get attention. We reduce complicated problems to racism, not because it is racism, but because it works.--- Alfredo Gutierrez, political consultant, as quoted by Richard de Uriarte, The Phoenix Gazette, March 14, 1992 (quoted in The ProEnglish Advocate, 1st quarter, 2002) http://www.theamericanresistance.com/race_industry/true_agenda_audio.html" and "Our duty is to take back what is rightfully ours, even if it means carrying-out total genocide--Hector Carreon- Nation of Aztlan--NOTE: While I cannot find the actual page this quote was on, visit this site to see what kind of whacked out loons Carreon and his followers are; pictured how these hate /racist groups would like to see the flags placed here in America):
While there are some slivers of truth in what Dobbs and the others say — for example, children of illegal immigrants do cost states money when they attend public schools (and what about the medical costs, the welfare fraud, the special classes, the accomodations in bilingual signs/paperwork--those things cost the taxpayers and exorbitant amount) — their claims were largely discredited in a recent report by the Media Matters Action Network, a project of the Washington, D.C.-based watchdog group Media Matters for America.
In a May 21 report, "Fear & Loathing in Prime Time: Immigration Myths and Cable News," researchers systematically debunked the major anti-immigrant statements made by Dobbs and others. (They consider "Media Matters" LEGITIMATE? Where's the balance to this fringe group?)
For example, the report cited Census data and university studies that concluded recent immigrants are less likely — not more — to be involved in crimes than native-born citizens. In fact, the report said, neighborhoods with higher immigrant populations had lower rates of crime. (Let's take a walk over to the Pima County Sheriff's Department Most Wanted page here: Nine of the ten are Mexicans, although their citizenship status is not listed; the crimes range from killing a child in a DUI to a combined 12 counts of murder/homicide. Here's a few more statistics from the Arizona Department of Corrections as of April, 2008 here: ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Ethnic Distribution by Unit April 2008--TOTAL 38,594; CAUCASIAN 40.7%; AFRICAN 12.9%; AMERICAN NATIVE 5.3%; AMERICAN MEXICAN 26.3%; MEXICAN NATIONAL 13.2%)
"When it comes to this issue, cable news overflows not just with vitriol, but also with a series of myths that feed viewers' resentment and fears, seemingly geared toward creating anti-immigrant hysteria," the report said.
Programs like "Lou Dobbs Tonight" are harmful and potentially dangerous because they give license (FACTS PERHAPS?) to xenophobes and racists to spew their hate on immigrants.
If such people see men in suits on TV railing against immigrants, it emboldens them to also show hate for someone who doesn't fit their ideal of an "American." To make matters worse, perpetrators of hate crimes often can't tell if a Hispanic person is an illegal immigrant, a legal immigrant or a U.S. citizen.
The FBI reported last year that of all the hate crimes in 2006 motivated by a bias against someone's ethnicity or national origin, 62.8 percent of victims were targeted because of an anti-Hispanic bias. In three years, the number of Hispanic victims of hate crimes jumped 38 percent, from 595 victims in 2003 to 819 in 2006 (How about the three college students executed in New Jersey by illegals here or the ten year old raped by an illegal who recently gave birth here?).
Not all this violence can be attributed to talk-show hosts like Dobbs, of course. But such programs foment anger and obviously don't promote civil discourse on the problem of illegal immigration.
What's surprising about the CNN boycott is that it didn't occur sooner.
We're taking this step after years of CNN management's failure to rein in Mr. Dobbs' irresponsible assertions about immigrants and their impact on our country and its institutions," Gus West, The Hispanic Institute's board chairman, said when the boycott was announced Tuesday.
"The lack of any meaningful response from CNN's management, or any abatement of Mr. Dobbs' offensive tirades, makes it clear to us that the company supports his misleading and often inaccurate positions." (In short, this group wants to silence all those who present the facts of illegal immigration while attempting to muddy with waters with leftist talking points, ignorance of realities and lumping LEGAL IMMIGRANTS with ILLEGAL CRIMINALS)
According to the Nielsen Company, which monitors television viewers, there are 12.1 million Hispanic television households in the United States. (Again, how many are LEGAL IMMIGRANTS versus ILLEGAL CRIMINALS?)
Here's hoping they and their allies can help improve the quality of cable television and the standard of living for illegal immigrants. Just because people are in this country illegally — but helping the nation in countless ways — doesn't mean they can't be treated with dignity and respect. (Why should anybody help improve the quality of life for ILLEGAL CRIMINALS? What Part of ILLEGAL is so difficult to understand? They don't DESERVE dignity and respect, they have EARNED a jail cell and deportation. PERIOD.)

Um, newsflash--ILLEGAL CRIMINALS DON'T HAVE RIGHTS. Rights apply to LEGAL, TAXPAYING CITIZENS, not illegal INVADERS. Of course our Governor--currently angling for a VP position with BHO--has supported the rights of the ILLEGALS over the rights of her constituency by trying to take the teeth out of the law as well. I personally wrote on this particular issue here. Refer to the picture above.
LEGAL, TAXPAYING CITIZENS are rising up and their voices are being heard--so much so, the hate mongering, racist groups who haven't been properly challenged before are peddling this soft porn and calling it journalism.
LEGAL CITIZENS AND TAXPAYERS, KEEP THE VOICES RAISED. NEVER let them shut you up. The more they push, PUSH BACK (legally, of course). Legal immigrants will ALWAYS be welcome here and with open arms.
ILLEGAL INVADERS ARE NOT WELCOME. GO HOME. NOW. Get out of our SCHOOLS with your RAZA Studies (pictured TUSD Board Member Adelita Grijalva, daughter of former TUSD board member and current US Congressman Raul Grijalva):

Other articles by Miss Beth on illegal immigration here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.