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Monday, May 05, 2008

Obama’s New Pastor Worse than Wright?

Cross-posted from Faultline USA

During his interview with Tim Russert on Meet the Press Sunday May 4th, Obama stated three different times that (1) “It’s a wonderful church . . .”, and later (2) “I feel a great loyalty to that church . . .”, and even later, (3)“I am proud of my church and am committed to the values of that church.” Yet Russert never brought up questions about Obama’s new pastor, the good “Rev”. Otis Moss, nor did he question the long-time Black racist values of Obama’s beloved church.

Obama’s new pastor, “Rev.” Otis Moss, says that Obama’s church is “at war with the enemy.”And it would appear that “the enemy” is anyone who isn’t a black victim.

View the sermon on YouTube labeled “Reverend Wright Passes The Baton - 'At War With The Enemy” Or click on the video at the end of this post.

It’s hard to imagine why Russert failed to push harder for answers from Obama considering that national polls now show that Obama’s values are of great concern to the majority of Americans!

H/T Amboy Times

According to the Rasmussen national telephone survey, “Fifty-six percent (56%) say it’s at least somewhat likely that Obama “shares some of Pastor Wright’s controversial views about the United States.” That figure includes 26% who say it’s Very Likely Obama holds such views. At the other end of the spectrum 24% say it’s Not Very Likely that Obama shares such views. Just 11% say it’s Not at All Likely. . . Eighty-one percent (81%) of all voters are following the story somewhat or very closely.”

Other Obama's values news:

Northwestern University has decided to withdraw its offer of an honorary degree to Jeremiah Wright. Will Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University suffer any backlash from its decision to go ahead with its award last week to Rev. Jeremiah Wright?

H/T to Marie Jon’ Only love can drive out hate: just words?

"For 20 years, Barack Obama sat in a church where Black Liberation theology was preached and practiced. It is not Christianity, but Marxism with Holy Scripture tossed in here and there to make hate speech sound like the language of a noble mission.

"The goals of BT are to turn religion into sociology, Christianity into a political agenda, Jesus into a black Marxist rebel, and the gospel into violent revolution. They are more interested in politics than preaching the gospel."From The Truth About Black Liberal Theology — Dr. Robert A. Morey, an internationally-recognized scholar in the fields of theology and apologetics, 1994."

The Glenn Beck show did a special report on Black Liberation Theology that offers a good overview of LT.

Right Truth links to several Obama church articles and a WND article about the good “Rev”. Otis Moss, Obama’s newest pastor. Here's another MUST READ from Right Truth:

Detailed report on Obama's communist and socialist background to be presented by former investigator for the House Committee on Un-American Activities

"A former investigator for the House Committee on Un-American Activities, will present a detailed report on Obama's communist and socialist influences, specifically Frank Marshall Davis. (WND) . . ."

Obama’s new pastor likens “Blacks” to leapers but who exactly are his “enemies”? You decide!

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