Members of an anti-abortion group, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, searched the garbage dumpster in Lathrup Village, and they found two black plastic garbage bags containing body parts, including hands, feet, spinal columns from approximately 10-15 aborted fetuses.
Monica Migliorino Miller from the Citizens for a Pro-Life Society said that they took photo evidence (video below) and turned the remains over to a local funeral home for burial.
The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and the Lathrup Village Police Department are investigating and according to Police Sgt. Vincent Lynch, after viewing what was in the trash, there were "intact fetuses" were among the debris and he states, "I was aware of the reality of abortion, but it was unnerving."
Sgt. Lynch will be meeting with the Oakland County prosecutor's office, next week, to determine whether criminal charges will be brought against Dr. Alberto Hodari, who owns that abortion clinic and others, for improperly disposing of medical records, which is a misdemeanor under state law and besides fines, the maximum punishment is 90 days in jail.
Michigan state law requires that pathological waste, including body parts and products of conception, must be incinerated, ground and flushed down a sanitary sewer or buried in a cemetery.

This is not the first time that Hodari has been in the news.
In January of 2008, CNS reported of a speech that Hodari made , in November of 2007, at Wayne State University in Detroit, which members of the audience that belonged to Students for Life of America posted on YouTube (found here), where Hodari said, "My wife says we doctors have a license to lie, and it's true. It's absolutely true. Sometimes you need to lie to a patient about things they want to do or no."
In 2004 Hodari performed an abortion on a teenager, Tamia Russell, age 15, who was six months pregnant, and she died the next day from what the medical examiner called a "normal post-abortion condition".
The autopsy was done by Dr. Leigh Hlavaty, who ruled the official cause of death as "uterine infarction with sepsis due to status second trimester abortion", and he stated at the time, "I ruled it normal because these complications are expected with this type of abortion."
In Tamia Russell's cases, her 24 year old boyfriend, Stacy Glenn, and his sister, Taisha Glenn, brought Tamia to Hodari without notifying her parents. They had brought her to five other abortion centers before Womancare, but had been turned away because Tamia was "too far along in her pregnancy".
According to Tamia's cousin, Nicole Redden, "They literally went shopping. One even offered prenatal care and vitamins."
Redden said that Tamia used an identification card with another woman's picture to state she was 19, as abortions cannot be performed on minors in Michigan without parental consent.
According to Redden, the woman in the picture ID looked nothing like Russell -- but the abortion was done anyway.
Tamia's mother did become involved after the initial visit, where the facility vaginally inserted laminaria, a seaweed used to begin dilation, then she was sent home where she told her mother what was going on.
Her mother called the facility and were told by Womancare the procedure could not be stopped once the laminaria is inserted.
However, according to eMedicine Journal, though there are some medical risks, "pregnancies have safely been carried to term after laminaria insertion and removal." In fact, many crisis pregnancy centers offer laminaria removal for women who have changed their minds after beginning an abortion procedure.
The mother, unaware, took her daughter to Hodari to complete the procedure and the 15 yr old died the next day.
According to Geoffery Fieger, the attorney that represented the Russell family in a wrongful death suit against Alberto Hodari, there have allegedly been 23 lawsuits filed against WomanCare facilities and Alberto Hodari in the past 20 years. All were dismissed, with many referring to an undisclosed settlement. The suits were filed for various injuries suffered as the result of abortions, including hys- terectomies on 19, 22, and 23- year-old women, and even the
death of Chivon Williams in 1996, who died after having a first-trimester abortion performed by Hodari.
The Citizens of Pro-Life society issued a press release on March 10, 2008 about their discoveries in the dumpster behind Hodari's Womancare clinic and according to that press release, over 200 patient records were found with a number of other items.
The numerous trash bags contained easily recognizable fetal body parts, blood-drenched surgical paper, IV bags with sharps, used syringes, bloody suction canulas, dozens of glass medical vials, condoms, condom wrappers, used laminaria sticks, bloody gauze and plastic gloves. Over 200 patient records were discovered that included the names of the clients, date of birth, telephone numbers, addresses, type of exam or medical procedure including abortions, gestational age of the baby, amount paid for the abortion, insurance records, lab reports, applications for abortion loans and a few signed patient consent forms and recovery room forms.
Consent forms for “Early Abortion” were discovered that show Woman’s Care’s willingness to perform abortions on women who may not be pregnant. Several lawsuits have been filed against Hodari and three women have died as a result of complications to abortions performed at Women’s Care clinics.
The debate and controversy surrounding the abortion issue will continue to rage on, but there is no debate about safely disposing of hazardous materials and patient files and although improper disposal methods are only a misdemeanor, it is still against the law to act as irresponsibly as Hodari's clinic, Womancare, has acted in this regard.
The last word goes to Police Sgt. Vincent Lynch when he says, "It's been terrible. Michigan laws are truly inadequate in this regard."
Hat tip to Stop the ACLU.