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Monday, March 10, 2008

Oklahoma State Rep. Compares Homosexuality With Terrorism and Cancer

Sally Kern, Republican representative for Oklahoma and Chair of the
Education Committee Common Education Human Services Committee, compares homosexuality to terrorism and cancer.

The video above was produced by the Victory Fund.

Oklahoma City Representative Sally Kern is the women speaking in the video above and her words have caused controversy across the Internet and in the media after a gay rights activist group posted the video above on YouTube with comments and pictures of people who don't agree with her statements, holding up signs saying "we heard you".

Some of Kern's comments include but are not limited to;

--I honestly think it's the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam.

--One of my colleagues said We don't have a gay problem in our community...well you know what, that is so dumb. If you have cancer in your little toe, do you just say that I'm going to forget about it since the rest of you is fine? It spreads! This stuff is deadly and it is spreading. It will destroy our young people and it will destroy this nation.

The worrisome problem for many speaking about this today, is not that her words made it to YouTube, but that she said them at all and that she holds a position of leadership in the state of Oklahoma.

Her position is considered extreme, even by religious groups.

Religious groups say while they aren't as extreme in their opinions, they do share her stance that the gay culture is negatively affecting our country. obtained an interview with Kern after this video hit YouTube, where she refuses to apologize for her comments made to about 50 Republicans, which has now been shown to over 200,000 people across the web.

"What is wrong with me as an American exercising my free speech rights on a topic that is a very big issue today?" she said.

Comments from Oklahomans in the comment section of another piece, show mixed reaction to Kern's statements.

David D. from Jones, OK., says "The right to free speech does not extend to speech that causes harm. This same kind of speech was used against African Americans at one time in our country's history. The Bible was used to justify slavery. I'm tired of free speech that is harmful and uninformed by credible facts. Sally Kern is a disgrace too our state and to those of us that call ourselves Christian."

Lonnie from Amber Oklahoma counters with, "why can't she voice her opinion? If the homosexual community can take a stand on what they believe why can't someone who doesn't believe as they do voice an opinion? All she is doing is voicing her opinion against homomsexual lifestyle. So does the first amendment apply ONLY if you agree with them? What is wrong with her taking a stand on her Christian belief."

That comment thread holds 283 comments as of right now.

Is this a case of free speech or is this hate speech?

Although every American has the right of free speech, do political figures and state officials have the obligation to weigh that right with responsible speech?

According to one Lawton Pastor Gary Bender, "I think we have to be careful that we're not too judgmental on all of this but realize that all of us are in need of god's help."
