“Now first of all with all due respect, with all due respect," he said here during a town hall meeting. "I won twice as many states as Sen. Clinton. I won more of the popular vote than Sen. Clinton. I have more delegates than Sen. Clinton. So I don’t’ know how someone in second place can offer the vice presidency to someone in first place. If I was in second place I could understand but I am in first place right now.
Sometimes the timing of things are just perfect.
Gallup shows that Obama holds "a slight but statistically significant five percentage point lead", over Clinton with voters nationally.

Forty-nine percent of Democratic voters nationally support Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination compared with 44% backing Hillary Clinton.
Perhaps the Clintons would like to change the order of who is at the top of the ticket and maybe, just maybe Obama would consider it, although why he would consider her for VP is beyond me.
I won't hold my breath waiting for them to actually do it.