High Level Debate Stalled Syria Air Strike from ABC News.
The September Israeli airstrike on a suspected nuclear site in Syria had been in the works for months, ABC News has learned, and was delayed only at the strong urging of the United States.
In early July the Israelis presented the United States with satellite imagery that they said showed a nuclear facility in Syria. They had additional evidence that they said showed that some of the technology was supplied by North Korea.
One U.S. official told ABC's Martha Raddatz the material was "jaw dropping" because it raised questions as to why U.S. intelligence had not previously picked up on the facility.
Officials said that the facility had likely been there for months if not years.
"Israel tends to be very thorough about its intelligence coverage, particularly when it takes a major military step, so they would not have acted without data from several sources," said ABC military consultant Tony Cordesman.
Discussion and analysis from, Washington Monthly who is being criticized by those that still live in denial, more discussion at: Take Our Country Back, Hot Air and Captain's Quarters.
Previous posting on Syria, North Korea and Israel from Wake up America:
Israel Strikes Syria.
Next Stop: Syria and Israel.
Israel, Syria, North Korea and Nuclear Weapons.
Israel, Syria, North Korea and Iran.
Israeli commandos ‘nuclear’ raid in Syria.
Israel's Patience Running Out.
Next stop Iraq:
The Sunni Insurgency Has Become a "Disaster" from Counterterrorism Blog.
In a rather stunning development, the Iraqi Islamic militant faction known as Asaeb al-Iraq al-Jihadiya (a.k.a. "the Iraqi Jihad Union") has issued a new statement dated October 5 suddenly accusing Al-Qaida's "Islamic State of Iraq" of deliberately killing its fighters in Diyala province and mutilating their bodies: "To make things worse, they dug up their bodies from the graves, further mutilated them, beheaded them, and showed them off from their vehicles while driving through the towns. [The ISI] even killed our men’s wives and children." An English translation of the communique is now available for download from the NEFA Foundation website.
Though this is actually the second time this week that similar charges have been leveled at Al-Qaida in Iraq by fellow Sunni insurgents, the source of the latest set of allegations--Asaeb al-Iraq al-Jihadiya--is most unusual. Less than three months ago, the very same organization was openly working in operational partnership with Al-Qaida, and was even rumored to be considering merging its forces with Al-Qaida's "Islamic State."
Read the whole piece....
Discussion and analysis from Power Line, The Long War Journal, Gateway Pundit and PrairiePundit.
Add that to the most recent good news we have been seeing out of Iraq.
More on Iraq from Bill Roggio over at The Long War Journal.
With the onset of Ramadan, the Muslim religious holiday of fasting and prayer, al Qaeda and the Sunni insurgents have historically increased the number of attacks against Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces. The number of attacks and casualties have traditionally spiked during this time frame as al Qaeda has promoted the notion that “martyrs” killed during the holy month will receive special consideration in paradise upon committing their murders. But since the beginning of Ramadan on September 13, attacks and deaths in Iraq have plummeted.
As of September 30, attacks throughout Iraq have dropped by 38 percent, Brigadier General Mark Gurganus, the ground combat commander in Anbar province reported. In Anbar province, the attacks declined from 415 during one week in 2006 to roughly 90 during the same period this year.
Definitely head over there and read the whole piece..well worth the read.
Last but not least, Iraq Shia leaders sign a truce deal.
Great analysis from Captain's Quarters.
