Thats right, one of the farthest to the left leaning, liberal blogs has declared Nancy Pelosi is weak... Huffington Post to be exact.
If there was any doubt before, which there wasn't, it's gone now. Watching Nancy Pelosi on The View yesterday morning provided the final proof that the backbone of the House is only as strong as its speaker. Her body language said it all. There she sat in the center of the table, sandwiched between Elizabeth Hasselbeck and the "Is the world flat? I don't know" lady, looking anxious and devoid of stately confidence. She could barely look in the eyes of America's Favorite True Believer on her left, who immediately smelled fear and pounced on her prey. "If the violence in Iraq had gone up," she started in (I'm paraphrasing), "you would be insisting that the surge was a failure. Now that the reports say it's gone down drastically, aren't you willing to admit that the surge is a success?" So what does Pelosi do? Does she make like Bill Clinton versus Chris Wallace, lean into her face and retort "young lady, don't try that little conservative hit job on me. You obviously don't know fudged numbers when you see them"? No. Instead she looks somewhere in Hasselbeck's general direction and squeaks meekly, "But that's still a lot of deaths." (I'm not paraphrasing). She then quickly changes the subject as she spends the rest of the interview leaning away from Hasselbeck and focusing on the three women on her right, wishing to God they had sat her down beside Whoopi.
Now although Huffington Post and I come to the same conclusion that Nancy Pelosi is, indeed, weak, spineless and had no backbone, we critically disagree on the reason.
In my mind, Nancy Pelosi is weak because she hasn't got the spine to stand up to her far left liberal supporters and say: "On Monday came news that U.S. military deaths in Iraq fell to 64 in September, the fourth straight drop since peaking at 121 in May and driving the toll to a 14-month low."
Nancy Pelosi is weak because she hasn't got the spine to stand up to her far left liberal supporters and say: "Civilian deaths also have plunged, dropping by more than half from August to 884. Remember just six months ago all the talk of an Iraqi "civil war"? That seems to be fading."
Nancy Pelosi is weak because she hasn't got the spine to stand up to her far left liberal supporters and say: "The just-ended holy month of Ramadan in Iraq was accompanied by a 40% drop in violence, even though al-Qaida had vowed to step up attacks."
Nancy Pelosi is weak because she hasn't got the spine to stand up to her far left liberal supporters and say: "Speaking of al-Qaida, the terrorist group appears to be on the run, and possibly on the verge of collapse — despite making Iraq the center of its war for global hegemony and a new world order based on precepts of fundamentalist Islam."
Nancy Pelosi is weak because she hasn't got the spine to stand up to her far left liberal supporters and say: "Military officials say U.S. troops have killed Abu Usama al-Tunisi, a Tunisian senior leader of al-Qaida in Iraq who was responsible for bringing foreign fighters into the country. Not surprisingly, the pace of foreign fighters entering Iraq has been more than halved from the average of 60 to 80 a month."
Nancy Pelosi is weak because she hasn't got the spine to stand up to her far left liberal supporters and say: "Last month, 1,200 Iraqis waited patiently in line in Iraq's searing heat to sign up to fight al-Qaida. They will join an estimated 30,000 volunteers in the past six months — a clear sign the tide has turned in the battle for average Iraqis' hearts and minds."
Nancy Pelosi is weak because she hasn't got the spine to stand up to her far left liberal supporters and say: "Finally, and lest you think it's all death and destruction, there's this: Five million Iraqi children returned to school last week, largely without incident, following their summer vacations."
Nancy Pelosi is weak because she hasn't got the spine to stand up to her far left liberal supporters and say: "None of this, of course, is accidental. The surge of 28,500 new troops announced by President Bush last February, and put in place in mid-June by Gen. Petraeus, seems to have worked extraordinarily well. Al-Qaida, though still a potent foe capable of committing mass atrocities, has been backpedaling furiously."
So, I do agree Nancy Pelosi is weak and has no spine. She hasn't the backbone to tell the liberal left to shut up and look at the progress that is being seen in Iraq. She doesn't have the backbone to tell her supporters that now that we are seeing progress, it isn't the time to try to "change course" yet again, the last change seems to be working.
She hasn't got the integrity to admit she was wrong as were her supporters and drag them, kicking and screaming, if need be, into declaring, as a country, we WANT TO WIN, we want to see victory and we want our troops to come home in triumph and they are well on to their way to doing just that.
She wants to keep calling this a Republican war, fine, so be it.
If the success and progress our brave troops are seeing continues, then it will be remembered that the Republicans fought for victory while the spineless Pelosi & Co. let her far left liberal supporters dictate that she had to wish for defeat and actively fight for it.
I agree with Huffington Post for once, Nancy Pelosi is weak, spineless and has no backbone.
She is incapable of seeing that success and progress can be embraced by the Democratic party if only the unhinged portion of it could be stood up to by her and her party.
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Democratic Supporters: Nancy Pelosi is Weak from Miss Beth's Victory Dance...
