Posted: 25 Apr 2007 01:18 PM CDT
UNC-Chapel Hill Rally
The Gathering of Eagles together with the Conservative Women’s Voice of UNC-Chapel Hill is proud to announce a pro-America event!
UNC and GOE will unite and Support our Troops, Support their mission, and Support the United States of America!
This event is NOT a counter-protest. This is our time to make our voices heard! This is our time to speak out, and let the world know that we are PROUD to be Americans, that we are PROUD of our military, that we are PROUD to live in the Land of the Free because of the Brave!
What the GOE along with Rolling Thunder and others did on March 17th was a spectacular beginning. We will show the world that we are here to stay! We will be the Silent Majority NO MORE!
WHEN: Saturday, April 28th, 2007
WHERE: Polk Place, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Come join us for live music and speakers, including Iraq war veterans and UNC students. Check back for more details on presenters and musician–coming soon!
Of course, the event is free and open to the public, so if you are in the area or plan to be, feel free to join us! We are still trying to raise money for the event as well. Please consider a contribution to the Gathering of Eagles, or directly to the Conservative Women’s Voice of UNC. For GoE contributions, see the sidebar on the right. For CWV contributions, contact Anthony Stevenson via CWV -at- unc -dot- edu.
Checks may be sent to Gathering of Eagles, Box 291; Chocowinity, NC 27817. They should be made payable to “GOE” and noted “For UNC Rally.”
Directions to UNC-CH can be found here: Information on parking
will be here available here soon, so check back for updates.
Polk Place is located off South Road on campus, next to the Wilson Library. An interactive campus map can be found here:
The Eagles Will Soar–Again!
Army Deserter Gets Award From Lefty Group
Posted: 25 Apr 2007 12:38 PM CDT
At the GOE event in Greensboro last weekend, Terri Johnson, an 18-year-old woman, received a “People’s Commendation Award” from World Can’t Wait, a Communist, antiwar group.
Johnson told the crowd that deserting really wasn’t that bad. She walked away from her final fitness test in boot camp at Fort Jackson, and simply left the base.
“All you got to do is leave,” she said. “Throw the towel in. They cannot stop you. Stay gone for thirty-one days. Get you a two-way ticket to Louisville, Kentucky. The MPs will meet you there and pat you down. You will be there [in detention at Fort Knox] for four days and eat this horrible food. The only thing you cannot do is get a federal job. Okay, I wasn’t that interested in working for the federal government anyway. The other thing you can’t do is re-enlist in another branch of the military.”
Johnson’s a modest sort, though, and said she doesn’t see herself as a hero. (She doesn’t even deserve to use the word in conversation.)
“I really don’t look at myself as a hero,” Johnson explained. “I was just doing it for me because [the war] wasn’t for me. There were a lot of my buddies who didn’t want to finish. I wanted to them to drop out like me, but they didn’t have the courage to make the decision I did.”
The idea of deserters getting awards from the Communist Party in our own country should tell you something about the state of our nation. When walking away from a commitment is something to be cheered, when being a selfish coward is award-worthy, we are truly in a sad state of affairs.
All the more reason for us to stand up and fight for what is right.
- Kit
Store Tech Issues
Posted: 25 Apr 2007 11:51 AM CDT
Our T-shirt and armband store is experiencing some web problems at the moment. The GOE web team does not handle that store directly, and so we are waiting for it to be fixed, just like you.
Until the problems are rectified, Eagles will not be able to purchase gear from the store (the link on the left side). We appreciate your patience and hopefully the store will be back up soon.
Web Buttons Now Available
Posted: 24 Apr 2007 09:34 PM CDT
Do you want to link your site to Gathering of Eagles? Well now you can use this nifty little button instead of a regular old link:
All you have to do is copy and paste the code below into your webpage code wherever you want the button:

If you’d like to have the Gathering of Eagles site open in a new window (that way your visitors never leave your site), just use this code instead:

We’re working on getting more buttons made for you guys, so sit tight!
By the way, guys, this is my first post!
Update on Operation Recruiter Appreciation (24 Apr)
Posted: 24 Apr 2007 08:41 PM CDT
Click here to see a nationwide map of ORA Participation.
It’s been just over two weeks since we announced Operation Recruiter Appreciation (ORA), and I’m happy to report that the response has been quite impressive! I have fielded hundreds upon hundreds of inquiries. To my knowledge there has been no media coverage on ORA at all. Yet as of today we have 136 commitments covering 40 states. With many other efforts underway at state and local levels that are not yet reflected in our total count.
If you’re not yet familiar with ORA, and/or would like to know how to locate a recruiter near you, please read the original post here:
Eagle Gerb was kind enough to put together a map showing which states are currently participating, along with icons marking sites within those states where ORA events are taking place. If you have any questions about this map or other aspects of ORA events, please contact me at coopbsure [at] yahoo [com].
If you are considering taking part in or are already planning ORA events, please either contact your state GOE coordinator (if you have one and know his/her name) or E-mail me at the above address with the following information:
-Your name
-Three initials of your choosing to be used to identify you on an image map and/or spreadsheet
-Type of recruiter (Service or Services using this office)
-Location of recruiter (City, state and ZIP code are sufficient if it’s a sole office; include address if there’s more than one to choose from in a particular zip code)
-How you are planning to honor our military recruiters (don’t be shy — gimme details!)
In case you’re wondering why Gathering of Eagles is sponsoring a recruiter appreciation effort, please take a look at these examples of vandalism and other attacks on recruiters (all in the name of peace, mind you!).
These are compliments of our Houston TX district coordinator, KA.
21 Arrested at Violent Protest:
Protests, Vandalism Greet Recruiting Center’s Opening:
Marine Recruiting Office Vandalized:
Pittsburgh: Marine Recruiting Office Vandalized After Protest
Update: Arrests Made in War Protest:
Watch this video. Between 2:00-3:45 see these “peaceful” protesters swarm an Armed Forces Recruiting Center. Notice how “peacefully” they interact with police officers.
And this response from a member of a very active grassroots “Support the Troops” organization:
I … am very patriotic and support our troops but am royally against Bush and this false, unperpetuated war in Iraq. Since I am a [member of troop supporting group] was forwarded the message about National Recruiter’s Day…which is the last thing I would be celebrating!
From all that I hear and read which is A LOT, these recruiters are not nice, good people to be commended. Many of them lie and lie some more to innocent, white-collar, young people throughout the country to get them to enlist. They paint a picture full of deception and lies.
WHY would you be celebrating them??
T. Kurland
All that garbage listed above (which is just a sample) is piled onto an already difficult job. I’d like to thank T. Kurland for reinforcing exactly why I will be honoring recruiters on or near May 19th.
Thank you all for caring! Please consider getting involved, and don’t let a limited budget stop you. Even a handshake and a smile can go a long way to brightening a recruiter’s day.
Silent no more.