Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ohio Voters Congratulate Paul Ryan For Staying Calm In Face On Biden's Buffoonery

By Susan Duclos

Notable quotes from the BuzzFeed article:
At a stop at Bowling Green State University on Saturday, Ryan was repeatedly stopped and congratulated — not for winning the debate, but for putting up with his sparring partner.

Greeting a group of three class of ‘92 BGSU football players at a tailgate, Ryan quipped to one particularly large man, “Let me guess, you were the place kicker right?

"Defensive end, or tackle?” Ryan asked seriously. “Defensive end,” the man responded, before congratulating Ryan on keeping his cool against Biden.

“We were really impressed that you kept your composure,” he said. “We collectively could not have kept our composure. That was awesome.”

“You smoked Biden! You smoked him,” another man shouted from the bleachers as Ryan walked the sidelines.


"I don't know how he did it," said one older woman at a Ryan town hall in Youngstown earlier in the day who said she was an undecided voter, but is leaning Republican. "Ryan was so calm. Biden kept cutting him off."

Retired Paychex vice president Bob Sebo, a university benefactor and a GOP contributor, told BuzzFeed that Ryan won the debate just by being there.

"All Paul Ryan had to do was just sit there and do what he did," he said. "I thought he was excellent — what he had to say. The vice president was a major disappointment. He was rude, he came off like a buffoon. Actually he was a disgrace."

Liberals loved Biden's buffoonery but others simply saw the angry old man facing off against the calm smart guy.

Hence headlines like "Romney Surge in Ohio Tests Campaigns' Strategies," from LA Times or the Reuters headline "Romney closing gap in Ohio as poll numbers, crowds rise.", or Daily News' headline "Joe Biden’s laugh-filled debate wasn’t so funny on national security."

Biden acted like a clown and he is being called on it from everyone but liberal Democrats.