Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mother of US Official Killed In Libya Outraged At Obama Admin "I Don't Trust Any Of Them Anymore, They Lied'

By Susan Duclos

The part headlined where Pat Smith, mother of Sean Smith, one of the four Americans murdered in Libya on 9/11,  says Obama, Biden, Rice, Panetta, all lied to her and she doesn't trust them anymore. 
The segment with Pat Smith starts a little after the 7 minute and the part where Mrs. Smith starts tearing into the Obama administration for lying to her comes after the 11 minute mark in the video below.

According to Mrs. Smith, it took a month before she was even told the cause of death of her son Sean.

Video at Fox HERE.


(Video added after publishing is longer than the one at the Fox video channel so post has been changed to reflect the new video minute marks in the longer video found at YouTube)