Thursday, October 11, 2012

Obama Supporter Hits New Low: Tells 12 Yr Old He Should Have Been Aborted Because of Romney Yard Sign

By Susan Duclos

If keying cars that have Romney bumper stickers on them and vandalizing boats or peeing on Romney signs, and last but not least, threatening to riot if Romney wins the presidential election, isn't low enough for Obama supporters, then here is a new low for them to aim for.

Belling read a letter from the 12-year-old boy's mother, detailing the alleged abusive behavior by the bus driver.

Apparently, the Romney-Ryan yard sign bugs the bus driver and she's been harassing the boy, making rude comments to him related to politics.

When the driver engaged the 12-year-old boy in a political conservation, he responded by saying that Obama is pro-abortion.

The bus driver allegedly said to the child, "Maybe your mom should have chosen abortion for you."

Understandably, this really upset the boy. Other kids on the bus verified the boy's account and are providing written statements.

Hat Tip Weasel Zippers for pointing to the statement by the DurhamSchool Services announcing the driver was fired.

October 10, 2012

DurhamSchool Services statement on bus driver issue in NewBerlin, Wisconsin:

“Durham School Services was notified by a parent on Tuesday, Oct. 9, that a bus driver in New Berlin, Wisconsin, engaged in a political debate with students the previous day and made an inappropriate remark to a child. Durham immediately removed the driver from service pending an investigation, which resulted in the termination of the driver. Prior to this incident, the driver had an incident free record while serving the community as a Durham school bus driver for more than 20 years. Notwithstanding, the driver’s remark was insensitive and inappropriate. Durham has apologized to the family.We remain strongly committed to the safe transportation of students in the community.”

Stay Classless Liberal!!!