Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Help needed to send Harry Reid a message today!

Harry Reid is at it again. There is a vote TODAY to pass a US defence bill that has the DREAM Act attached.

From Yankeemom:

Action Needed!!!!!

An Alert from Patriots For America ~

Senate Majority leadership (Senator Reid) plans to offer illegal immigration amnesty legislation as an amendment to the annual defense authorization bill. The amendment has nothing to do with our Nation’s defense.

The planned amnesty amendment is called the DREAM Act. It is controversial social legislation unrelated to the defense bill. It has no business in the defense bill.

And a vote is scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, September 21, at 2:15 p.m.

With your calls and emails, Sen. John McCain, ranking member of the armed services committee, can stop leadership’s hijack of the defense bill.

We urge you to let your Senators know you’re on John McCain’s side. Senators should side with John McCain.

The business of the defense bill is the nation’s defense, not to provide a shield to controversial policy and program changes. Our troops are already burdened by the defense of freedom and they should not also have to shoulder the task of carrying legislation that cannot stand on its own.

We must not allow the defense bill to be exploited in this manner. Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, agrees and is leading the opposition against this misguided plan. But he needs 41 pro-military Senators to join him for a successful effort and that is where you come in.

Pick up the phone, call your two Senators and let them know that you do not want to see the Defense bill hijacked with this amendment. Tell them to “VOTE NO ON CLOTURE,” and to remove matters unrelated to defense from the bill. ...

Yankeemom has much more here.

Tell Harry Reid, and the rest of YOUR employees, that they have no business putting illegal immigrants on the same bill as matters related to our troops.