Friday, October 03, 2008

Sarah Palin Interview with Carl Cameron of FOX News

Three separate parts of an interview between Sarah Palin and Carl Cameron of FOX News have been released, via YouTube.

Fox News also has an article discussing some of the content of the interview with Sarah Palin.

They discussed a mistake Palin says she made during the debate, they go over the fact that she had fun in last night's debate, annoyance with the media, her desire for the McCain campaign to not pull out of Michigan because she wants to go there and connect with Michigan voters, Supreme Court decisions, reading material, and more.

All in all, according to the Fox report, the Sarah from last night's debate was the Sarah they spoke to during the interview, referring to her as Sarah Barracuda.

Part one, YouTube URL here and video below.

Part Two, YouTube URL here and video below.

Part Three, YouTube URL here and video below.
