Saturday, October 04, 2008

Dammit America! What the Hell Are You Doing To Us?

Despite Sarah Palin's stunning performance in the VP Debates, despite that fleeting sense of optimism and the re-energizing of the Republican base, the Obama train is barely delayed on its seemingly inevitable rush to the White House.

Despite these growing concerns of Barack Obama's dubious history:
Still More Questionable Obama Associations
From Susan Duclos' Wake Up America

Despite all of these damning revelations:
Why the Debates don't Matter

Despite all of the scandals: The Gwen Ifill Scandal and the Obama Democrats Contempt for America

Despite all of the accumulating danger signals: Obama's Endorsements From Our Enemies

Despite the incriminating disclosure of his secret attempts to manipulate our military in Iraq for his own personal political gain: Will the Most Damaging Obama Scandal of all be Buried Alive?

Despite his obvious contempt for justice: Obama's Gloves

And despite all of the logical projections of how an Obama presidency would almost certainly destroy America: Elect Obama, Destroy America the Obama train rolls on.

Don't you see? None of it matters. The jury has already made up its mind, they have already determined the verdict. They are burning with the hot flame of passionate righteousness. They are going to send a great message to the world. They are going to change the way this world sees us. They are going to embrace this new vision of America. An America no longer intolerant and racist, a less selfish America, more aware of the concerns of the world around us. An America contrite and humbled. This is their glowing vision of change. And nothing we can do or say will alter their fateful course. No arguments, no matter how convincing or logical, no accumulation of damaging evidence will sway them. America will, it seems, be inevitably diminished, and the world applauds. All of our impassioned entreaties have fallen on deaf ears.

Am I becoming a defeatist? I don't even know anymore. I am becoming numb and resigned to our fate, to our loss, to our demise. I am dumbfounded and I am angry.

Dammit America! What the hell are you doing to us?