Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Rico Action Filed Against Ohio ACORN, Obama Mentioned

Now we are talking.

The Buckeye Institute has filed a Rico action against ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) and in the 14 page PDF report, Barack Obama is mentioned, while the action has not been filed against him, the connections they make are clear and concise.

The action filed in Warren County Court of Common Pleas alleges ACORN has engaged in a pattern of corrupt activity that amounts to organized crime. It seeks ACORN's dissolution as a legal entity, the revocation of any licenses in Ohio, and an injunction against fraudulent voter registration and other illegal activities.

Plaintiffs Jennifer Miller of Mason, Ohio and Kimberly Grant of Loveland, allege that ACORN's actions deprive them of the right to participate in an honest and effective elections process. They allege fraudulent voter registrations submitted by ACORN dilute the votes of legally registered voters.

"The right to cast a vote that is not diluted by fraudulent votes is a fundamental individual right," Buckeye Institute President David Hansen said.

"ACORN appears to be recklessly disregarding Ohio laws and adding thousands of fraudulent voters to the state's roles in the process," Maurice Thompson, Director of the Buckeye Institute's 1851 Center for Constitutional Law said. "Such voter fraud erodes the value of legally cast votes," he added.

In the complaint, Thompson cites an accumulation of evidence showing numerous instances of admitted fraud by ACORN employees, as well as individuals solicited by ACORN.

"In light of its hiring, training and compensation practices, ACORN should have known its conduct would cause fraud," Thompson said. "It also should know that its conduct will cause fraud in the future."

In addition, the complaint cites conduct by ACORN in Colorado, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.

Bizzy Blog
has already highlighted the instances where Barack Obama has been mentioned:

Obama’s name comes up at least three times in the complaint (bolds are mine):

(Page 3) 18. Defendant is engaged in massive voter registration drives and political canvassing throughout the state of Ohio and the United States of America; some of this work is performed on behalf of current United States of America presidential candidate Barack Obama.

(Page 3) 19. ACORN’s political wing has endorsed Barack Obama for president, and during the primary season, the Obama camp paid Citizen Service Inc., $832,598 for various political services according to Federal Elections Commission filings. Citizen Services, Inc. and ACORN share the same board of directors.

(Page 9) 69. In Texas, where ACORN’s affiliate, Citizens Services Inc., has provided contract work on behalf of Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, the Houston Chronicle reported on August 17, 2008 that “About 40 percent of the 27,000 registration cards gathered by ACORN from January through July have been rejected or placed in limbo pending the gathering of more information, according to the county” while “about 6,600 were filled out by people already registered, and many others contained insufficient information.”

Make sure to click on the Bizzy Blog link to read the updates.

Earlier today I wrote about ACORN and some of their antics as well as their deep rooted connection between them and Barack Obama, which he is trying dearly to distance himself from at the moment.

All previous pieces about ACORN, from WUA, can be found here.

Things are finally coming out in the open as ACORN's voter fraud is finally coming to light and being reported on, now whether the media does it's job and tells their readers the truth about Obama's long standing ties and connection to ACORN is something we are waiting to see.

Also see Columbus Think Tank Files Rico Action Against ACORN, written by Michael van der Galiƫn, at the subsequent WUA America post (we must have been writing it up at the same time!!!) Make sure to follow his link to his PoliGazette piece.
